Frustrated and discouraged, I need help.



  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I read all the responses and just want to add one little thought. Being female, we should have our thyroid checked every year, this could be part of your problem. I'm not disagreeing with the others, but a check-up with the doctor every year is a great idea and going over your challenges with weight loss may be helpful.
  • I agree with absolutely everyone. You have the advantage of the food diary to help you figure out what you can eat. Log it in and if it has too much fat, too much sugar, etc. don't eat it. Just delete it and try something else. After a while you will learn what is good for you and what is not. That doesn't mean you can never indulge, it just means you do it a LOT LESS. By all means don't undereat as that is not healthy. Your objective should be a happier, healthier you and don't put a time limit on getting there. Just plan to do it, and then maintain it. Never give up!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I have been there done that I started a 90 day challenge to become fit and free. Where I am accountable in the group it's about personal growth, balanced nutrition exercise and weight management. We encourage each other on a daily basis and as needed. This site is great we all need encouragement from someone who is going on a similar journey.
    Friend me if you like we can do this challenge together if you think it will help...:smile:
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    you should eat more, and change up your workout. Muscle memory is terrible! You have to have muscle confusion, THAT burns off the most calories. add in some weight training, you need ,muscle to burn fat! Dont eat processed foods! that is anything that comes in a package or a only shop in produce section, meat department, and dairy :) You can do it! and maybe increase your cals to like an extra protein drink a day or something.

    I completely agree!! I lost 41 lbs over a year ago and seriously fell off the wagon. Last month I found MFP and have been really trying lots of different things. I am switching between weight training, cardio machines, jillian michaels and Zumba. Also, I had to actually up my calories from 1200 to 1580 and it is making a difference. I am only at 4 lbs lost, but in 30 days lost 1/2" on my neck, 2 1/2" on my waist and 3" on my hips. It is not easy and discouragement can be too easy to give in to, but please don't give up!! You are so worh it!!

    I just officially today, ended a TWO MONTH plateau on the scale..although I had lost a jeans size and didnt know it until the other day, i was wondering why i looked fatter in my size 16 lol, im 14 now, but i wasnt budging on teh scale, most likely due to my weight training and muscle i have been putting on over the past 4 months i started weight training. But i changed it up, ate more calories and like, instantly lost two pounds since yesterday, and i had bacon last night lol
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    agreed. I never really "fell off" teh wagon, i was about half on half off, lol. But i still dieted and ate pretty helathy witha few exceptions, but i had a hard tie getting back into y workouts, thankfull i had an amazing NSV, my first actually since i started in january, and i totally have a renewed sense of determination, and im pumped! im about 55% of the way there, so this is the second leg of my weight loss, it is much, much, much harder than the first 45 i lost!!
  • I feel your pain! I lost 2.5 stone a few years back. It gradually crept back on..then i had an unexpected 3rd pregnancy at nearly 40. So back on the diet, but i am not seeing the same results either. So I am slowly getting used to the idea that I will not be able to lose the weight in the same way as I did 5 years ago, but my kids love me, and my hubby too. The only person who doesn't love me!! I have many a day when I am tempted to eat very little and drink water and exercise and hope to goodness that I lose weight. But you have to think of the long-term effects. And I am guessing you want to see a few years yet. So my thinking, exercise, love, forgive (yourself), and remember that being healthy is better than being skinny...sod the celebrities and their ridiculous bodies - I AM A REAL WOMAN (with cellullite and a tummy). Enjoy food if you can, and try to relax :-) Add me as a friend if you think we could support each other. xx
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