sticking to the diet like a yoyo to the floor

Well I have been on and off of MFP for about 6 weeks now. I only found out about the site because I got a new Blackberry and the app was featured on its app shop.

I have been bouncing around the 21-22 stone mark for about a year now. I changed jobs and went from running up and down trains all day to sat in a seat playing with a lifesize trainset. The 9 week course based on the other side of the country meant I had hotel food for 2 months and it took its toll.

I am sometimes quite good and accurate at plugging in my intake for the day, but sometimes I will go missing for a week and forget to do it.... but then at seperate times i will go off the rails and eat a whole large dominos pizza in one sitting by myself. My job means that invariably I take more food to work than I need because I am essentially locked into a single man office for the whole shift and if my relief is running late I can not nip out to the shops for a sandwich to carry me on.

Hopefully I will stick around this time. But if I go missing, feel free to give me a good kick up the a.... b.... derriere.


  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I understand, when you are stranded to a desk, it does make it a lot more difficult. But here's the thing, you have to make the choice/decision, NOT to eat that whole pizza. Try eating a piece or two, wait 5-10 minutes, if you feel like your still hungry/starving eat one more, then wait another 5-10 minutes. Often we would do pizza once a week on the weekends at our house, and ashamed to say I'd eat at least 4 pieces easy out of a large! A few weeks later I tried this method, and barely ate 2. Couldn't believe it. I was hungry 2-4 hours later and ate something a little lighter. Theres nothing wrong with eating while sitting down lol. You just have to put a little more thought into the good/bad. Like if I know I have to sit down all day. I'll pack a Thomas bagel thin 110 calories, wth some ham, usually i think its around 5 pieces 50-60 calories, piece of cheese 60-70 calories, and a bag of sunchips 140 calories, thats about 380 calories, and very filling! You just have to weigh your options to see whats best for you, something greasy isn't your best option to sitting down and eating...Feel free to add me if you like.

    It takes time to figure out what fills you up, and what doesn't, what works for me, might not work for you.