My Good Choices Aren't Working!



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I recently discovered that my sodium intake was off the charts. This week I started monitoring my daily sodium and make a concerted effort to keep it under 2300 mg. It's working! My clue that sodium was a problem--my blood pressure, which used to be low to normal, suddenly was 140-160/ over 70-80. All the processed foods, like my fav deli chicken, diet frozen meals, soup, etc., are high in sodium. The wake-up came when I noticed my sodium was three times the RDA the day I ate a "lite" meal at a popular chain restaurant!!! My weight loss seems to be more steady now.
  • smaday
    This is normal for some of us, Don't panic. Same thing happens to me. I weigh in every Friday morning and only lose every 2nd week. No matter how much good I am the scales only seem to move every other week. As long as the numbers are going down I'm not too worried. This is how my body works..
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Thanks for posting everyone. I'm in the same boat as the OP. This past week, I exercised every day, only ate my 1200 net calories and did not lose one ounce. I'm depressed and frustrated.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks everyone. I guess I just keep doing what I'm doing, drinking my water, keep moving, and hope for the best.