20 pounds by 2012 New Year's Challenge!!

musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
Hey ya'll!! So I am already part of a challenge group, but decided I wanted to start up my own!! For those of you who are looking for a weekly challenge maybe even a daily challenge, I haven't decided yet!), this is where you want to be!! Depending on how many people decide to join depends on if I will keep this group open or not. The reason I chose 20 pounds by twenty twelve is because of the catchy title. If we lose about 1 pound a week between now and New Years, we will have lost 20 pounds!!!!!! If you wish to lose more, go for it! This is also for those who may need some extra help during the holidays (because I know I will need help!!!).

This challenge will begin on Labor Day, and our last weigh-in will be on New Year's Day! This is 17 weeks! So, if you would like to join me, copy and paste the format below by introducing yourself! Just erase my info and replace it with yours!! I can't wait to meet ya'll and get started on a great challenge, and be 20 pounds healthier in 2012!!!! I will put all of our info into an excel spreadsheet and post the results weekly. I will also post a new thread weekly!

NAME: Lauren
FAVORITE EXERICSE: bicycle crunches
TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a substitute teacher hoping to soon open up my own photography studio! I realized I needed to lose weight when I was getting out of breath just by walking at a fast pace! I also have always had bad knees and my doctor has always told me if I keep my weight in control, they shouldn't give me too much trouble. Now, I recently found out I may have reumatoid artheritis. Exercising will keep it in control, even if I am in pain! My long term goal weight is 150 for now. I want to reach that weight, and see what I look like, and go from there.

Again, I can't wait to meet ya'll, and I hope ya'll enjoy this group!!!!!! :)


  • I'm in a challenge is just what I need

    NAME: Amanda
    1stGOAL WEIGHT: 185
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: strength training
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/butt
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Im losing weight to be more in shape for wrestling I have low self of steam
  • NAME: Claire
    GOAL WEIGHT: 125
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: tumbling class :)
    TROUBLE SPOT: thighs and stomach
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I was the skinniest kid you ever saw up until 6th grade...and then I started packing on the pounds. Both of my best friends are now very active and incredibly in shape, and I want to be able to keep up with them! I also just want to feel better about myself and increase my self-confidence, all while getting healthier and more fit. Recently, I joined a tumbling class, and I hope to be a cheerleader in college...but I need to lose some lbs first!

    Thank you so much for creating this challenge! I just had another bad day, and I think that support from others is what I really need right now! Feel free to add me!
  • Alright, I'm right there with you, I think. ^_^ I'm in another challenge as well, but I like the idea of this one, too!

    NAME: Dwan
    GOAL WEIGHT: 194
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: bicycling and the Wii
    TROUBLE SPOT: I have strong arms but they are entirely too fluffy. o.0
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I work at a wonderful independent bookstore in Seaside, FL and also help my other half with our web-development business (16+ years we've been doing that!) I've 3 boys that keep me busy and never cease to amaze me. My thyroid is failing, something I've been expecting for a long time. Things are on a nice even keel for us right now, so I've decide enough is enough - time to get rid of my excess baggage, and hopefully lighten the strain on my thyroid. For now I've set a long time goal of 142. When I get there I'll reevaluate.

    Looking forward to this! ^_^
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    NAME: Peggy
    STARTING WEIGHT: 160 (180 when I joined MFP in May)
    GOAL WEIGHT: 120
    TROUBLE SPOT: Below the neck, above the ankles
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a telephonic support nurse, I sit on my A@@ for 8 hours a day. I quit smoking on 2/21/11 and gained 8 pounds, which I have lost along with 12 more since joining MFP with my sister and niece in May. I love walking my dogs, bowling and golf and the ARC is awsome for burning lots of calories fast! I am starting the 30DS tomorrow and plan to ADD it to my work out routine, not substitue it. I'm at a plateau and need a boost in a downward direction.
    My favorite mantra used to be "I'm not over weight, I'm under tall" I recently found out that out of all my sisters (7 of us out of 8 are alive) only one is heavier than I am and I was usually the smallest. Time to quit being Porky Pig!
  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member
    NAME: Saul
    GOAL WEIGHT: 170
    TROUBLE SPOT: everywhere?
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I have been overweight my whole life, but over the past year my weight got out of control and i got up to a scary 360 lbs. I finally went to the doctor and got the bad news that I do have type 2 diabetes, but I am treating it as a motivating factor to keep me going. I look forward to taking part in this challenge, although if it is ok with you and the rest of the group I would like to make my goal a little more than 20 lbs(after all I'm a big guy.) Thanks!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi, All!
    The last group I joined petered out, so this looks like it will suit my needs! If I lose 20 lbs by Jan 1st I will be 10 lbs past my goal, which would be awesome! It works out to 5 lbs a month, and I think we can do it!

    NAME: Becca
    GOAL WEIGHT: 166 (175 is my original MFP Goal)
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: kayaking, elliptical, mowing the lawn
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a teacher and newly wed, and love to be outdoors. I also enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. I have lost 19 of the 30 lbs I joined MFP to lose, and am really happy about the fact that I can fit into my work clothes again in time for the school year :happy:
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm always up for a challenge and new friends :)

    NAME: Lane
    GOAL WEIGHT: 160
    TROUBLE SPOT: Everywhere lol
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a 30yo single mother to my 3yo son. I am a full-time 9-1-1 telecommunicator. I work 12 hours shifts (7am-7pm). I have been overweight since I was a child... always been the "big girl". My SW on MFP was 302 and I started my weight loss journey on May 10th of this year. I am very determined and eager to be healthy and feel good about myself.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Name: Amber
    Starting Weight: 169
    Goal Weight: 140
    Favorite Exercise: Biking, strenght training, elliptical
    Trouble Spot: My flabby arms
    Tell Me About Yourself: I'm a 22 year-old, second year senior in college, whole currently resides with my boyfriend of 5 years and our 9 "fur" children in Louisiana. I am getting my Associte's as a Vet Tech, my BA in Bio with concentration in Vet Tech and my BA in English. I work at a Sonic Drive-In, which has helped my weight gain from eating all that greasy food. So far this year I have lost 37 lbs; going from 207 to 169. When I started college I managed to stay fit and thin until '09. From then to '10 I think I gained the freshman 50! I am on my journey towards being thin and fit again!
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    NAME: Kristy
    GOAL WEIGHT: 135
    TROUBLE SPOT: Thighs, bum, belly, upper arms
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am really inspired as I look around this website to be more attentive to my fitness. I lost a lot of weight in my early twenties (I topped at 225 and I have wavered somewhere between 150 and 170 ever since, and I'm 38 now). I am making a permanent commitment to myself to eat healthy foods, watch my caloric intake, and work out regularly (right now, every day for 20 minutes!).
  • fell free to add me every one
  • Friends -

    I am so happy to have found this thread - I am horrible at weight loss on my own, so I am here to support you in hopes that I remain committed. I will keep you honest if you promise to do the same for me.

    NAME: Erin
    GOAL WEIGHT: 130
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: haven't found it yet but I'll look for it!
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a 39 yr old mom of two that spends her days as a senior level account lead in a Digital Ad Agency. I am also the wife of an Ironman - I know, how can the wife of someone so in shape have 60 extra pounds on her? Did I mention that I'm a mom of two and also an Ad executive? Ha ha ha! I have been so busy supported everyone in my family and my career that I forgot about me over the last few years. Until now. Now is about me. I am committed to looking fabulous (AGAIN) before 40.
  • Congrats on loosing 43lbs! Any secrets to someone starting out on her journey to loose 60?
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    NAME: Katie
    GOAL WEIGHT: 140
    TROUBLE SPOT: belly left over from four kids (including a set of twins!!)
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a stay at home mom who happens to have my own business. My youngest (twins) just started kindergarten a month ago, so I decided that since my time is now truly MINE I will devote more of it to making myself more healthy. I've gained and lost over the last 14 years of my marriage due to pregnancies and injuries, but I'm determined to take it off and keep it off this time. 20 lbs will get me just about to my goal!

    Oh, and Lauren, I also have bad knees, so I literally feel your pain! I've had one surgery and will likely have another after the new year -- maybe taking off this last 20 will keep me from surgery!

    I look forward to checking in with y'all over the next few months!
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    Oh, was I supposed to post my current weight as the SW -- it's 163
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Bump until I get home to full this out!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    NAME: sandra


    GOAL WEIGHT: 184.6

    FAVORITE EXERICSE: walking, but only because "sleeping" doesn't count :wink:

    TROUBLE SPOT: the "bottom two rolls" of my belly LOL

    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: i'm the head teacher at a before and after school program, which is starting up again tomorrow. i'm excited to get back to work because i'm usually more active at work with the kids and losing weight is a lot easier while i'm at work than home over the summer. i quit smoking a little over 4 months ago. my "cheat" is my coffee which is usually about 100 calories per cup with all the hazelnut creamer that i use. believe me, i've tried everything, and i just can't give up my coffee =)
  • Please add me to the challenge. I just signed up for MFP today. This is perfect timing!

    NAME: Stephanie
    GOAL WEIGHT: 128
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: running/walking/The Firm
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a single Mom of 2 great boys. These 20 pounds have been the same 20 I have gained and lost my whole life. I want to lose this weight so I can feel totally confident. I think being part of this challenge will help me stay on track.
  • NAME: Katie
    GOAL WEIGHT: 186
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: walking/jogging
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist/thighs/butt
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a full time cosmetology student and full time single mom. I have been struggling with my weight since my last year in high school, I didn't get to my highest weight until 2009, where I weighed 243lbs.I started eating healthier but not exercising, with that I lost around 20lbs. Since starting at MFP, I have lost another 17lbs. I need to add more exercise into my life, I just need to be able to fit it into my day. In August, I was put on appetite suppressants and Synthroid.

    I look forward to joining you all on the challenge!

    Good luck :)
  • JMehl135
    JMehl135 Posts: 37 Member
    NAME: Jenny
    GOAL WEIGHT: 142
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Jazzercise/elliptical
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach and arms
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a graduate student. I used to be the thinnest girl and then came high school and then came college. I have yo-yo dieted between 165 to 175 the past 5 years, but decided in July I was done with it all. I was tired of not being able to buy the clothes I liked because they fit funny and in general being unhealthy. I wanted to be proud of my body. This time I believe it will work and am dedicated to make it happen. Ultimate goal is 135-140 so this should get me right there :)
  • NAME: Betty
    GOAL WEIGHT: 150
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Elliptical/total gym
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF I am retired and have 2 adult children,I live in South Louisian. I so ready for this challenge!!
  • NAME:Marie
    GOAL WEIGHT: 152
    FAVORITE EXERCISE: rowing, spinning, bootcamp but I hate burpees :)
    Trouble spot: stomach
    About myself: Well I'm on day 2 of MFP and so far so good. A chance to meet friends, get support, and a challenge I'm game!! My goal is 30 by 30 which will be in Feb, so this mini challenge will be perfect!!
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
  • NAME: Adri
    GOAL WEIGHT: 185
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Riding my bike
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am an English teacher in South Korea and finding healthy good food can be hard sometimes.
  • This is my first challenge group. I'm excited to reach our goals together :-). Thanks for starting the group, Lauren!

    NAME: Lisa
    GOAL WEIGHT: 145
    FAVORITE EXERCISE: haven't found one yet...
    TROUBLE SPOT: my "flanks" and thighs
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Hi! I am originally from California but am living in NY now, working in the dental field (floss anyone?) I am hoping to break free from yo-yo dieting after all these years of fad dieting and/or starving myself only to gain back the weight plus a few. Time to take care of myself instead of damaging my body! Good luck to all!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    NAME: Amanda
    GOAL WEIGHT: 175
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: walking...
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    GOAL WEIGHT: 165
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: bicycle crunches
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    Hi, I'm a mom to a very active 3 year old girl. I've been married twelve years. I decided I needed to loose weight to have more energy to keep up with my little girl..,I also want to be able to shop in what ever store I want and look good In most everything... I want to be happya and enjoy shopping again.. I'm over all healthy and want to stay that way...
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Oops I did a typo
    CW 195
    Goal weight 175
    Sorry thanks!!
  • I'm in!! I need all the support I can get.

    NAME: Johanna
    STARTING WEIGHT:188 (mfp starting weight: 195)
    1stGOAL WEIGHT: 170
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: honestly I haven't been , BUT I'm starting the 30 DS Monday
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Im a cosmetologist living
    In Louisiana , which as most people know is the food state. We have weekend long festivals celebrating different foods, every thing good or bad that happens we get together cook
    And drink . So needless to say my culture is partially to blame in my weight. I'm looking forward to getting these extra pounds off so I can be more active.
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