20 pounds by 2012 New Year's Challenge!!

musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
Hey ya'll!! So I am already part of a challenge group, but decided I wanted to start up my own!! For those of you who are looking for a weekly challenge maybe even a daily challenge, I haven't decided yet!), this is where you want to be!! Depending on how many people decide to join depends on if I will keep this group open or not. The reason I chose 20 pounds by twenty twelve is because of the catchy title. If we lose about 1 pound a week between now and New Years, we will have lost 20 pounds!!!!!! If you wish to lose more, go for it! This is also for those who may need some extra help during the holidays (because I know I will need help!!!).

This challenge will begin on Labor Day, and our last weigh-in will be on New Year's Day! This is 17 weeks! So, if you would like to join me, copy and paste the format below by introducing yourself! Just erase my info and replace it with yours!! I can't wait to meet ya'll and get started on a great challenge, and be 20 pounds healthier in 2012!!!! I will put all of our info into an excel spreadsheet and post the results weekly. I will also post a new thread weekly!

NAME: Lauren
FAVORITE EXERICSE: bicycle crunches
TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a substitute teacher hoping to soon open up my own photography studio! I realized I needed to lose weight when I was getting out of breath just by walking at a fast pace! I also have always had bad knees and my doctor has always told me if I keep my weight in control, they shouldn't give me too much trouble. Now, I recently found out I may have reumatoid artheritis. Exercising will keep it in control, even if I am in pain! My long term goal weight is 150 for now. I want to reach that weight, and see what I look like, and go from there.

Again, I can't wait to meet ya'll, and I hope ya'll enjoy this group!!!!!! :)


  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    NAME: Lindsay
    GOAL WEIGHT: 150
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: doing the couch potato
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I work in accounting and am actualy not unhappy as I am... but I know I can be so much better... here is to a thin 2012!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    NAME: Alicia
    GOAL WEIGHT: 115
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Tennis, C25K, bike riding
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach, upper arms
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a wife and a mom to 3 sons, 2 of my sons are teenagers on the high school cross country team. I am also a preschool teacher, I work with 4 year olds and love it!!! I started my journey of fitness and weight loss in April half heartedly. Gave up in early June and for the last 65 days I have been focused. I am 43 years old and have been overweight since my oldest was born. So far I have lost 17 pounds, and am taking this all the way!!
  • Count me in!

    NAME: Claire
    GOAL WEIGHT: 130 overall, 138 for the end of this challenge
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: kickboxing/swimming
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a student who wants to get more in shape for life and for my sport, which is competitive swimming! I started a weight loss journey previously and got down to 157 from about 168, but I slacked a bit over the summer. I have now rededicated myself to this, and started at 162! Now I'm at 158, and hoping to see this through this time around. I'm also debating starting weight watchers, while continuing to calorie count, so we'll see what happens!
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    NAME: Lesley
    GOAL WEIGHT: 172
    TROUBLE SPOT: bingo wings lol
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Hiya Im a support assitant with children in Secondary School I specialise in Science and Dyslexa support. I love my job. Iv lost 22lbs since xmas - BUT since MAy I have not been as good as i should be :-(. I aim to burn between 3000 - 5000 calories a week and im starting on Monday xxxx I am looking forward to this x
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    NAME: Jennifer
    GOAL WEIGHT: 120
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: bike riding
    TROUBLE SPOT: belly flab!
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a stay at home mom with two kids and a wonderful husband. My real goal weight is 124, but 120 would be awesome. I'm short and old! I need this because there are all kinds of crazy diseases in my family - cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I get discouraged because my body has gotten comfortable at this weight, but unfortunately, my clothes are not comfortable. Having you guys help hold me accountable might just be the push I need.
  • NAME: Amy
    GOAL WEIGHT: 180
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a SAHM. 2 boys, one is 5 and in public school kindergarten, the other is almost 3! :) I haven't been a healthy weight in 10 years and as I get older (I'm 26) I'm getting scared that if I don't change that one day I'll look up and have wasted years of healthy life by eating and not having control. I want to be healthy for myself first, but my family second. I wouldn't mind looking hot, lol! I'm 40 pounds heavier than when I got married 6 years ago and my ultimate goal is 145 which is healthy for my 5'6'' frame.
  • mermaidrhirhi
    mermaidrhirhi Posts: 39 Member
    Count me in!

    NAME: Rhianna
    GOAL WEIGHT: 145 over all, but 155 for newyears!!
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: hiking/swimming
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a Child Care provider in a great relationship, but as my boyfriend and I got comfortable, we both gained about 20lbs. we want to lose 10lbs by halloween, and then another ten by new years. I'm ready to be in shape again and feel sexy!
  • blondski
    blondski Posts: 36 Member
    NAME: Eva
    GOAL WEIGHT: 180
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Wii games, zumba
    TROUBLE SPOT: between my neck and my knees
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Just turned 50. Never been this big before. Working hard on changing eating habits to be more healthy and smaller portions. Need to be accountable to someone to get through this.
  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    NAME: Maura
    GOAL WEIGHT: 150ish no firm number in mind I am more interested in losing inches and being healthy (looking like my sister again is sort of my goal - she is about 150-160 and wears about a size 4-6 )
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: walking/running and yoga
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a 26 year old young professional and I weigh 193lbs right now and am about as fit as I remember being since I was about 16 years old. I spent last winter at the track working up to running 5kms and now I am working towards a 10km run. I like yoga and am always on the look out for a new pod cast or internet routine since I live in a fairly remote location with no real yoga classes.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    NAME: Lindsey (bestest friend yay)
    GOAL WEIGHT: 265
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach, butt
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Well, you already know all about me since we're best friends and all, but for everyone else...I'm 22 years old. I've always been fat. I've lost about 30 pounds total so far and would love to eventually get to a hundred and thirty pounds. I have this goal to be able to shop in the same stores my friends shop in, and those stores don't sell plus size clothes. I recently had surgery on my left knee and would like to avoid having to get my right one done as well. I have some weight-related back issues etc that I'd like to clear up. I'm a Gap employee, which basically has me running from one end of the store back to the other non-stop all day, so that's pretty good exercise :) I'm not too terrible at exercising. For me, cutting out the junk food has been my biggest issue. I look forward to trying this out with ya'll. :D
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