Girls- Short Hair?

sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
So, here's the story...

I think long hair is really pretty, but the last few years I always get so annoyed with mine that I get it cut. It's naturally light brown and wavy, and after a few months of letting it grow out, I'm back to short hair.

I like long hair since I can just put it up in a ponytail and go, but I also hate how long it takes to maintain and dry. Plus, it annoys me while working out.

The shortest I've ever had my hair was close to a bob, but I could still put it up in a ponytail. Now, I'm thinking about going short...and I mean short! It'd be something completely new, I think it'd be easier to maintain (minus having to keep getting it cut), and I've been looking at different pictures. However, I keep questioning it because I'm scared, I don't know if my face would fit it, I don't want it to go wrong, etc. My hair is a little past my shoulders right now and it hasn't been cut since last September, minus layers and side bangs.

My question for the girls is...what is your opinion on short hair, and if you have it, any advice on maintenance, working out, stlying, cost, etc... :) Thanks!

Close to what I've had in the past, shortest:

Examples of what I like:


  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I have had long hair, medium length, bobs and short.. then shorter still lol. I have a 'pixie' cut (similar to number 4 in your second link) that I let grow for about 8-12 weeks before I get it cut again so it varies.
    My current pic isn't great as it was windy and I have just re-dyed it since the pic, but it'll give you an idea of how short my hair is.

    it IS limiting when it comes to nights out etc, but takes 2 mins to wash and I can 'leave it' to dry then put wax or gel through it. If I want a bit more body then I can kind of rub it in circles on top to get it to stand up a bit more (sounds odd) but it makes it look a bit more styled. :)

    I ride horses and find no matter how sweaty I get it with the added 'hat hair' it looks ok! lol

    So.. yes I'm a convert to short hair. :) Give it a go and if you don't like it it doesn't take long to get it back to bob length :) I like all of the cuts you posted. :)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I say GO FOR IT!

    I used to have super long hair. It was long and boring! Now I have rather short hair and I love it! So much easier to style and take care of.

    And remember... it's just hair, it will grow back. So live a little and experiment!
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    My hair was short enough at one point where I could not put it back into a pony... that was annoying! I also found that I had to style it every day....and it got old... quick. I let it grow back out and I don't miss it but I know that if I want to go there, I can sport a short hair cut. I guess you need to try it.... or go try on some short wigs. I did... to give me an idea of what I was going to look like. Best of luck and pick what is best for you!
  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    Believe it or not...You will end up getting your hair cut more often if it's very short. It takes up keep to hold the shape.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Be really sure because once you go short, it normally only gets shorter and when you get bored you cant do anything about it!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Many people love short hair. I haven't liked it so much. I had long curly hair (I'm talking halfway down my back!) and thanks to a crappy salon, they overprocessed my hair and I had chunks falling out. I had pieces that were literally only an inch. It was horrible. So I had it all cut off. I've wanted to grow it out ever since (almost 5 years ago) and I can never get past the awkward in between phase.

    Short hair is great because it's easy to wash and dry, can convey a spunky, fresh personality. BUT it's a b**** to grow back out (when it's too short to pull it all up, but long enough to be on your neck and drive you nuts).

    Regardless of how short you go, enjoy the pampering of a day at the salon!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Here is the thing.. No Fear lady. It is all in your attitude. Wear it like you own it.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I went really short in Februrary I think. Like boy short, a lot like that first picture. It was alright, but not my favorite. It was actually HIGHER maintance because it required product otherwise it'd be poofy (I have thick hair). For the same reason, had I chose to keep it, I probably would have had to have it trimmed every 4-6 weeks. But yeah, I decide to grow it out and that has also been a pain in the butt. I think it would work better on someone with thinner hair.

    But I had always wanted to try it and I did and I'm glad I did. I don't regret it at all.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I think that having short hair (I have the Victoria Beckham asymmetrical bob) is both more and less work than long hair. I MUST be cut every 6/7 weeks to keep it's shape, I can't avoid styling it to look good every day. The pony tail saved me time day to day, but the long hair took longer to do something nice with so it lived in the pony 99% of the time and I got sick of that. So the short hair forces me to toss some styling gel into it and then it looks cute and I don't have to blow dry it either.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Here is the thing.. No Fear lady. It is all in your attitude. Wear it like you own it.
    Love it! :)
  • I went really short about an year ago. I have curly/wavy thick hair
    Pros- long hair can be pulled back in a pony tail and you can go. Short hair (and I had to tell the sylyst SHORT to get the curl from coming out and looking bad on the sides) quick dry no more rubber bands, head bands, etc. I've been able to get it to be nice for formal parties.
    Cons- long hair takes all day to air dry and the sweat streaming through the pony tail when you work out or run... short hair- takes more I have to wet it down completely or shower every morning to get rid of the bed head and it looks better when I use product which I rarely used with long hair. More frequent cuts, every 6-8 weeks but cuts are less expensive and not quite as long. When you are sweaty you can run your hands through it and cool off faster and it will still look good.

    It's up to you, but over all I'm glad I did it.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I have really thick hair (no, really, every stylist decides they neef to thin it out and then give up about halfway through). It looks awesome long, but also takes about half a bottle of shampoo per wash and about two days to dry. I cut it short about threebyears ago and haven't looked back. It's so much more managable, this way. Of course, it also manages to look good even if I don't style it, and I've kind of accepted the fact that no amount of styling is ever going to completely tame it.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I currently have very long hair... Cause the market demands it ;-)

    But I've had boy short (think hallie barry (sp?) minus hot) and loved it!!! Short is soooo fun and sexy as hell.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I had my hair short for about five years . It was 2 inches long and spiked love it! Than I decied that I needed a change. I let it grow out. It's a little past my shoulders. I like it also. I've think I've had about every hair style. It's fun. It's. Deffently easier to take care of when it's short. Besides it's just hair it does grow back. Go for it girl! Short hair is very sexy and sassy.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I wear my hair boy short most of the time, but I'm currently trying to grow it out to about jaw-length. I love short hair because it's low-maintenance on a daily basis. But you have to remember that you will have to get it cut every 4 to 6 weeks, no exceptions, unless you like looking scruffy. My hair is very thick, so it also tends to get poofy -- if you have thin or medium hair, you'll have less of that problem and might even be able to get away with going longer between trims, but if your hair is very thick you might end up with some poof. Which might not be a problem for you, actually, but I don't like to get poofy because my head is big and it doesn't need to be accentuated. :tongue:

    I think every woman should chop her hair all off at least once in her life. If you're feeling the urge, go for it! If you don't like it, it will grow back.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    short hair is harder to maintain than long hair, IMHO. I only had short hair once, and it was only because a thyroid condition made a lot of my hair fall out. I did not like it and in fact HATED working out with it--it was too short for a pony tail, but flopped in my eyes anyway. ugh ugh ugh. It took me so long to style it with a blowdryer and round brush (never did get the hang of that), or flat iron it, or curl it or whatever, it never looked good on me.

    Thankfully I have my long, plain jane, straight hair back. it's easiest and it looks best on me.

  • cute! i had short hair for all my life up till the past 2 years, now i'm growing it out just cos i never have before. mine's wavy too :P

    my mom has short short hair like what you're looking at, and i think mine is actually LESS maintenance- i don't have to put any product in, i just brush it and go and it manages to curl perfectly. also, i cut my own hair whenever i get splitends, and you can't tell i did it myself because it's so long and wavy, it just all blends in. my mom has to get her hair cut professionally at least once a month, by a GOOD (expensive) hairdresser, and puts a good amount of product in so it doesn't fly all over the place. she has super straight hair tho, so i'm not sure how it works for curly- when my hair was the length of the bob you linked tho, i had to do all sort of stuff to it because i had a curl right where it was cut and it looked ridiculous if i left it alone :P

    but, i'd say go for it! always good to try new things :D
  • I've always been a fat girl, and I have shaved my head plenty of times - my face is round, and I have full cheeks. I've been told I look 100% better with short hair then I do with long hair. My boyfriend loves my hair short, and he tells me I'm plenty of a woman in the bedroom.

    Do what you want to do, and what you feel comfortable with.

    I always think a woman who can rock short hair is so much more attractive then a woman who uses her long hair to solidify an identity.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I've always been a fat girl, and I have shaved my head plenty of times - my face is round, and I have full cheeks. I've been told I look 100% better with short hair then I do with long hair. My boyfriend loves my hair short, and he tells me I'm plenty of a woman in the bedroom.

    Do what you want to do, and what you feel comfortable with.

    I always think a woman who can rock short hair is so much more attractive then a woman who uses her long hair to solidify an identity.

    You = awesome
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I've always been a fat girl, and I have shaved my head plenty of times - my face is round, and I have full cheeks. I've been told I look 100% better with short hair then I do with long hair. My boyfriend loves my hair short, and he tells me I'm plenty of a woman in the bedroom.

    Do what you want to do, and what you feel comfortable with.

    I always think a woman who can rock short hair is so much more attractive then a woman who uses her long hair to solidify an identity.

    I'm not sure if my identity is solidified by my hair. I did not know that identities were solidified or . . . liquified? gaseous?

    We all wear what we like, don't we?