low carb success?



  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    I'm doing primal/paleo low carb approach and it's working well for me after a couple of years of not being able to get a handle on weightloss at all. I have to cut out all grains for now as when I "cheat" it slows down my weightloss and worse, I also end up with other issues. For me cutting out grains and really lowering sugars works. I minimize dairy but don't eliminate it, some people find removing dairy helps while they are healing their bodies insulin resistance and some can add it back later. I lost 19 lbs in 2 months and am rarely "truly" hungry. I have fewer cravings in a week than I used to have in a few hours. And less stomach upset and gas. I miss bread sometimes (my cheats that didn't work out so well!) but am going to try some alternative recipes to help in that area.

    The primal approach is (very simplified) low to preferably no grains, good fats and proteins in real whole foods (meats, coconut and olive oils, eggs), fresh veggies. And you can have some dark chocolate ; )
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    I cut starches, breads, chips etc.... And the weight is falling off. Weigh in on Tuesday and I can't wait! I only eat bread (a sandwich) after a HARD workout.
  • sonjalucia
    sonjalucia Posts: 120 Member
    Carb cycle
    Carb cycle
    Carb cycle

  • Nette2172
    Nette2172 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been doing low carb/low calorie since May. I will say that the 1st week was the hardest for me. I was grumpy and tired. Once I made it through the first week it was much better! I have chosen the "low carb" route not no carbs. I have lost 35 lbs so it working for me personally.

    Hang in there! It will get better!
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    i did a low carb diet many years ago, a nutricionist give me that...i was the worst!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I have started a low carb diet. This is day 3. Will it get easier? I need a h
    jumpstart on weight loss.

    I've been doing low-carb for about 7 months (Atkins). I feel great, have a ton of energy, and have lost a good amount of weight. I keep my net carbs at about 20 a day. It's hard to give you advice, because I don't know how many carbs you're eating, or what kinds. But, if you feel bad, it's most likely the carb flu, and it will go away in a few days, and you'll come out feeling great! So, I guess the only thing I can tell you is to do your research, buy a book, follow a plan! Realize that while low-carb works great for weight loss, it really is a commitment to a lifestyle change. As with any diet, once you start eating after your old eating habits, you're going to gain the weight back! Good luck!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Just be careful, as low carb diets tend to shed a lot of water weight really fast, giving you unrealistic results for the first 4-5 days.

    At the same time, you should take a day or two out of your week to 're-feed' your carbs in order to keep things hummings along!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    if you have a lot to loose then low carb is not the way forward.....it does get easier but you will be miserable and moody and your energy levels won't be high....eat a moderate portion of all your macros and work out and you will feel great and will be more motivated in your journey..

    gd luck


    okay false, got over 80 to lose myself, and doing very low carb, atleast for me its the way to go.
    again False, you will not necessarily be miserable and moody, i am not miserable and moody. (except today but thats the pain)
    again false. I have lots of energy when i eat low carb, far more then when i eat moderate to high carb.

    Not saying its for everyone, but statements that everyone who does low carb will be moody , miserable and low energy is just simply FALSE
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    you really shouldnt try a "diet" i did a low carb diet before and when i stopped, all the weight came piling back on and then some. the best option is to eat a healthy balanced diet. that way you learn to eat right and you will never be off a "diet" good luck with whatever you try! :)

    this is exactly right, it cant be a diet its got to be a lifestyle change. and people say if you eat low carb then start eating carbs you will gain it all back,, That maybe be true, but do you know what that tells me.

    That just tells me my body don't be doing good on carbs, and that the low carb lifestyle for those it does well for (me) is just that , a life style.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Carb cycle
    Carb cycle
    Carb cycle


    just typeing words like that with out any explanation reall means nothing to anyone else