Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?

alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
One evening I was waiting for my daughter just inside the cinema.
While she went to the toilet I was passing the time looking at my iPhone.

An elderly couple stopped showed me their tickets and asked where they should sit!
My iPhone was mistaken for a torch and I had been promoted to usherette. :blushing:

Still shy about needing to wear glasses :embarassed: I squinted at the seat numbers seeing nothing but a blur and vaguely pointed to some seats well away from where I had prebooked mine lol.

I'm such a bad actress they realised their mistake and fortunately laughed with me. :bigsmile:

Have you ever been mistaken for someone else and did you play along with your new role better than me?


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Actually, yes. This is really weird.

    You know the actress (Didi Conn) who played Frenchy in Grease? Well, I was living in NY and stopped in Petsmart with my boyfriend at the time. I was in the cat section when a young man came up and asked me where the dog food was. I laughed a bit and said, "I'm not sure, honey. I don't work here. But I think it's over there." and pointed. He looked at me sort of confused and Didi Conn came walking up out of nowhere, put her hands on his shoulders and started apologizing to me profusely. Turns out her son is autistic and she thought he was bugging me. I told her it was no problem at all, we smiled and parted ways.

    I think it's INCREDIBLY rude to bother celebrities when they are out and about so I didn't say anything but inside I was all,


    Haha. But yeah. That was a rad day. :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    when i was 18 or 19, a woman in her 40's or 50's approached me and asked if I went to high school with her. o_o

    When I was in the 8th grade, my friend was talking about a dog sitting in the front seat of someone's truck...I thought the dog was a person >_<
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    when i was 18 or 19, a woman in her 40's or 50's approached me and asked if I went to high school with her.

    Ouch! That would have been one I would have forgotten about. Lol.
  • Al Pacino
  • When I was younger someone came up and pushed my chair as a joke. I turned around and they were like "sorry." I guess they thought I was someone else.

    Another story is that I worked at a summer camp, and one of the other counselors and I looked a lot a like. Some people would ask if we were twins, and after a while we just said that we were sisters. Well, people would always call me by her name, and they would call her by my name. We got used to it.
  • Yea.I was mistaken for some gus ex gf.. One time I was at wal-mart and this guy came up to me and out of nowhere gave me a hug. I was like "umm excuse me". He then preceeds to tell me that he has missed me. Again I was like excuse me, who are you? He's like how can you pretend you don't know me, we used to date.. I was like umm no we haven't, I don't even know you. He then trys to convince me that we did date and goes on to talk about "things" that we apparently did when we dated. The whole time I was telling him that we never dated and I didn't know him. After about 5 minutes of him following me and so CONVINCED that I was his ex I decided to play along and make things up. He then goes on to say I don't remember that and I said exactly cause we never DATED!! Then I guess he decided to use his brain and asked me what my name was and I told him and he said "oh, you're right, you're not my ex." I told him, "duh, I've been trying to tell you that for the last 10 minutes".
  • My late husband and I were in Dillards in the mall back in 2004. This family of 5 stood in the distance staring at us. I looked behind me thinking they spotted an item that they liked. They got closer to us and had this shocked look on their faces. At this point they approached us asking "OMG are you Jennifer Hudson!:huh: I figured that they were joking for some reason, so I chuckled. These people did not believe me. So they asked me to sing:noway:
    I like to sing but I am not that good. My hubby then encouraged me to with a big smile on his face just egging this whole on even more:blushing:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Yea.I was mistaken for some gus ex gf.. One time I was at wal-mart and this guy came up to me and out of nowhere gave me a hug. I was like "umm excuse me". He then preceeds to tell me that he has missed me. Again I was like excuse me, who are you? He's like how can you pretend you don't know me, we used to date.. I was like umm no we haven't, I don't even know you. He then trys to convince me that we did date and goes on to talk about "things" that we apparently did when we dated. The whole time I was telling him that we never dated and I didn't know him. After about 5 minutes of him following me and so CONVINCED that I was his ex I decided to play along and make things up. He then goes on to say I don't remember that and I said exactly cause we never DATED!! Then I guess he decided to use his brain and asked me what my name was and I told him and he said "oh, you're right, you're not my ex." I told him, "duh, I've been trying to tell you that for the last 10 minutes".

    hahaha omg xD I think we all can figure out why his ex left him (probably). xD
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I don't think I have ever been mistaken for someone else, but the other week I was in a club and I walked over to where my husband was sitting and put my arms around his neck - but it wasn't my husband, it was my friend's fiance :laugh: To be fair, in a rock club it can be tricky to distinguish between all the long-haired guys in black t-shirts!

    Another time, in the same club, my husband came over to where a group of us were standing, chatting, went over to his ex-girlfriend and slid his arm around her waist. We thought the drink was just making him a bit touchy-feely, until he saw me and realised he was cuddling the wrong lady! :laugh:
  • When i was a redhead (my natural hair colour) i was mistaken for lindsey lohan :noway:

    BUT when i was a kid, me, my mum and dad all went out for a bite to eat in a little cafe. When we finished, I thought my parents were getting up to go and pay at the counter, so i got up too and ran to the cake counter next to the cashier. I was looking at those cakes wide eyed, mouth drooling, and as i was looking at these cakes i said 'these cakes look nice YUMM' and poked my dad in the stomach to hint to buy me one. I then heard a deep voice 'Yes, they do look nice' to my HORROR it was a total stranger and my parents were stood at the door ready to leave (having paid earlier) watching and laughing at me:blushing:
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I worked in a cell phone store several yrs ago. A man came in and asked for a case for an older phone. As I went to the back to look for it I joked that the owner had came in and rearranged a few things, the customer SAID MY NAME and told me to tell 'my daddy' to stop doing that. Now he did say the longer version of my name, that I dont go by, but still I was totally freaked out. It took me 10 mins to convince this guy that I was NOT the person he thought he was talking to. He kept insisting that he knew me, and even said well 'xxxxx' is your name isnt it?!?! ~ when I said yes but nobody calls me that he replied that yes they do otherwise how would he know my name. I came SO CLOSE to making a back door. I had to tell him that I hadnt grown up in that town, we had just moved there a yr ago at that point, that combined with me backing up slowly finally convinced him. Also probly helped that I looked terrified LOL.

    That was the one that freaked me out the most, but I've been called by my full name several times or had people walk up and speak to me as if I know them more times than I can count over the yrs that we've been here. I'm finally used to it LOL I just tell them I'm not who they think I am, I'm her twin, and I've never met her. At some point I'd really like to tho haha cause I swear we must be twins!!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I'm often mistaken for someone that gives a damn. Gets annoying, really. :laugh:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Long ago, a group of us were staying at a large cottage. each bedroom had two or three beds. I went to bed, and later my husband came to bed, crawled in the bed NEXT to mine, I assumed it was my friend's boyfriend. she assumed the same, as he cuddled up to her. after a few minutes, when he coughed and i recognized the sound, I softly called his name. "WHAAA...?!?!" as he leaped backward out of bed...It was too bloody funny. "It's not my fault, her pajamas felt like yours!!" LMAO
  • I apparently had a twin at my undergrad college since people would confuse me for her, but I never met her. I also had a name twin at the my orthodontist office. I once got her chart and it really confused the orthodontist and the assistant until they figured out that there where two Jenny X.

    My dad looks a little bit like Bill Gates before Bill's hair went grey. My dad went on a diving trip to some little island and people thought he was Bill Gates. It actually took a bit of convincing that he wasn't Bill Gates, because Microsoft was actually building something on the island.
  • I'm often mistaken for someone that gives a damn. Gets annoying, really. :laugh:

    LOL! Good one!!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I was in Starbucks last year and a woman walks up to me, gets my first name correct and starts a very animated conversation. I am not the best ar remembering people, so I let her go on for a few seconds before I realized she was completely mistaken.

    This also used to happen to me a lot in college(ages ago), never played along though. Probably could have had some fun.
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Lol, very funny mom :) remember when we just had our hair cut and we were out shopping and both of us mistake that woman r each other? Ha ha ha

    I kinda feel embarrassed for the other person who mistakes you for someone else.

    I had someone at a supermarket ask me where a product was located. I've been polite and tried to help... Then they've realised that don't actually work there... And I've just realised that they thought I worked there! Lol!
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    On holiday in a hire car in Malta, my family had a near miss when a local driver pulled out of a side ride without looking.
    We never tooted the horn, we sat there in amazement to see a large Spaniel dog driving the vehicle.
    His paws were up on the steering wheel his big head filled the window, his floppy tongue was flapping out of his huge grinning mouth. :noway:
    On closer inspection as he drove away we could see his elderly human slumped low in the seat. His visibility was poor, he hadn't seen us at all The dog was actually sitting on his lap!!!

    They say owners look like their pets, they must also drive like them too. It was an amusing case of mistaken identity ( after we got over the shock) :bigsmile:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I once got a series of texts (clearly all one long message) chewing me out because her man was happy, he didn't need to get it somewhere else, leave them alone, they were gonna be a happy family and he loved his baby... with lots of colorful language and some questionable grammar. I texted her back and said that I was very happy for her, but I was also happily married and had no idea who she was talking about. :laugh:

    Other than that, no, I've never been mistaken for someone else. I'm just me. :happy: