I am starving!



  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    A few years ago, I went on a WW diet, ate the lowest number of points allowed, lost 40lbs at a good clip and reached my target weight. Then I felt famished! Really, really, uncontrollably hungry. I ate my way all the way back up, and more at the rate of 2.5 lbs per month..

    This time I am losing at a much slower pace on purpose. I do everything to avoid the hungries. If I am over, I exercise them back. I don't want that yo-yo dieting response to kick in again. And I am finding mfp to be a great help because it gives me real calories and nutrition indicators and enables me to plan what I eat much better than WW ever did.
  • wow, I love the sense of community here on MFP.

    my short answer to your question

    Eat Whole / Unprocessed foods rich in fibre. it keeps u full longer.

    When it comes to sugars, never have sugar without fibre. It is noteworthy that in nature sugar always appears with fibre. Take an orange for example, its a sugary fruit, but the pulp is rich in fibre. Somehow we've gotten so spoiled as a people that we want the sugars from nature but we skip out on the fibre. So we opt for the processed version of it. Bottle of Orange Juice anyone? Lastly, a friend of mine is a doctor, she tells her patients that unless its a fruit or a vegetable, if food is white don't eat it.
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    Firstly, stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a life style change.

    You can have all the foods you like and want but in moderation. No binging, no overeating.

    You probably aren't actually hungry, you're dehydrated. Before every meal drink a large glass of water this will stop you over eating.

    If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water wait half an hour and see if you are still hungry.

    When you feel hungry between meals, distract yourself. Go for a walk, talk to friends, go shopping, play with dog/cat/kids, get a hobby, enjoy sport, socialise, make a phone call.

    Good luck :)

    i agree with you.

    You shoudn't think that you're on diet, it's the worst,
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Another tip: if the hungries are getting the best of you, have a nice broiled steak! Protein gets you back on track like nothing else I know.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.

    Without even being able to look at your diary, I know it will be full of sugar and carbs, low in vegetables and protein

    I try to never be rude or assume on this site, its not helpful. But Its the first thing that ran through my mind also. The point of this journey is to learn to adapt, incorporate better healthier food choices, exercise and gain knowledge of what our body needs as oppose to what we want. If you're hungry all the time like you say, evaluate what you are eating, try new/other better options and see if you can maintain that feeling of fullness longer.
    I'm personally hardly every feel hunger pains, I've learned how to avoid them by making better choices! Good luck to you! :)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    some great advice here. I plan all my meals out at the beginning of the day, then I know exactly how many calories i have left to fill in any hungry gaps during the day. you have to be strict with yourself to stick to the meals you've planned though.

    This is exactly what I do too! <3
  • I drink lots of green tea with fresh lemon. It helps me refrain from snacking and revs up the mmetabolism too! Good luck!:drinker:
  • Firstly, stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a life style change.

    You can have all the foods you like and want but in moderation. No binging, no overeating.

    You probably aren't actually hungry, you're dehydrated. Before every meal drink a large glass of water this will stop you over eating.

    If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water wait half an hour and see if you are still hungry.

    When you feel hungry between meals, distract yourself. Go for a walk, talk to friends, go shopping, play with dog/cat/kids, get a hobby, enjoy sport, socialise, make a phone call.

    Good luck :)

    very nicely said
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.

    Without even being able to look at your diary, I know it will be full of sugar and carbs, low in vegetables and protein

    I try to never be rude or assume on this site, its not helpful. But Its the first thing that ran through my mind also.

    I thought the same thing. I was eating what I thought was a filling, fiber-filled breakfast of oatmeal and soymilk every morning and I would be SO HUNGRY just two or three hours later. I switched to eating whole eggs (sometimes with bacon or some other meat, but sometimes just with a bunch of veggies) and I am amazed by how I am barely hungry until lunch.

    Besides vegetables and protein, I would also look at fat. Fat keeps me full, carbs (even "healthy whole grains") make me 1) crave more and 2) hungry just a couple hours later. (I'm not trying to get into a debate about carbs, just stating what I have observed for myself).
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    As others have said, if you feel like you're starving, then you're not doing it right. I eat 3 small meals a day and two snacks (sometimes 3) and nothing processed. I build each meal around a protein. My snacks are usually a fruit and/or some natural peanut butter or cheese or carrot sticks and hummus (depending on how hungry I feel or if I'm going to the gym later). I also make sure that I eat something, even if it's just an apple, about every 4 hours. If I feel hungry, then knowing that I can eat in another hour or so usually helps along with a glass of water. If that fails, then I usually keep a bag of carrots with me and just grab a few between meals and snacks. My dinner usually consists of a protein and tons of steamed veggies. After dinner, if I'm still hungry and haven't saved any calories for later, then I may have some low sodium veggie or chicken broth or some cut up veggies (but I usually save a fruit for after dinner). If your body is telling you between meals or scheduled snacks that you are hungry, and you're meeting your goals, then grab a healthy snack. I figure I didn't get fat by snacking on apples and carrots between meals... So far this seems to be working for me.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Lots and lots of water!! Brush your teeth, have some tic tacs. Gum actually makes you more hungry.. I don't recommend it. Or have some celery! :) GL