My arch-nemesis…..bean dip

ktkreeger Posts: 5
Bean dip stares me down everywhere I go.

Does not matter what type of bean dip there is, if it involves a chip and dipping it, SIGN ME UP!

This Labor Day weekend is killing my diet. Let’s start with college football starting up yesterday. Hey look, chips and dip…mmm!!! Next, my fantasy football draft with all my old high school buddies in the evening. Beer, pizza and more chips and dip. Next, a family pool party later today; beer, hamburgers, desserts, and you know my arch-nemesis will be there…


Anyone else have an arch-nemesis?


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Ice Cream is my arch-Nemesis... It's so good and it's okay if I have just once scoop, but if I buy a tub and put it in my freezer, I could potentially eat the whole gallon in 2 to 3 days... I'm not very good at having just once scoop in my own house... I can do it at the dip shoppe or even at my Ma's but not in my own home... ugh!

    Roll Tide and Go Bears!!!! (I love College Football!!)
  • Mine is Chips and Cheese dip. you know, the real good cheese dip, with real cheese, meat, peppers and tomatos? i love that stuff so much...and with football season here now, there is gonna be tons of my fantasy football draft there was bunch of it, and we are having a party for the Bears(the real ones, from Chicago) opening day game against the Falcons, so there is going to be a ton there too...
  • I satisfy my arch-nemesis ICE CREAM with frozen yogurt. NO, not the kind you get from the tap in the yogurt place. Just the little tubs of the stuff you get at the grocery store in fabulous flavors ( red velvet cake anyone??) and store them in the freezer. Just like ice cream but low-fat and low calorie!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Cheese is my arch-nemesis. I've started buying slices (but they only come in mild cheeses) so it's easier to ration. If I bought proper cheese from a cheese shop, it would all go in one sitting (plus the calories from the crackers, aaarrggghh!!!!)

    What I'd give for a stinky blue stilton that was calorie-free!!!!
  • Peanut Butter! D:
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