Gym/exercise classes compared to DVDs

This question has been bugging me for about a week now, and who better to ask than the MFP community?

When I'm at university, I usually go to the gym or exercises classes 6 days a week doing between an hour and an hour and a half of various activities (pilates, spinning, step etc). I've come home for two weeks and don't want to pile on the pounds so have started the 30 Day Shred and and the Six Pack In Six Weeks DVDs. That takes me to around an hour a day, alongside some squats. I'm also walking a lot more (walking ponies and dogs).

Will this be as effective as my gym workouts and will I still be able to stay toned/lose a little weight?



  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I can't answer if it will be as effective- but it is a very good option rather than sitting on your butt and eating chips in front of the tv:) You probably won't have the benefit of social support- but heck, jillian is a motivator herself! While home, try doing a variety of exercises- there are also other exercise videos free online or possibly do a video with a friend or family member. Get creative- can you go for a hike? Any exercise is good for the body - don't get down on yourself if it isn't "in the gym." I tend to mix up things for myself- I go to my gym about 2-3 times a week and the remaining days I pop in dvds at home and run around my neighborhood to exercise. Great job on the discipline too! Keep it up!
  • luv2runsgf
    It depends on how hard you work out with the DVD's. I have found them to be very effective but need to push myself since it is really easy to stop early or take it easy. The extra walking will help burn extra calories too.
  • Manapaws
    Manapaws Posts: 72 Member
    i find working out at home does not work. There are to many things to get you distracted. When your at the gym there are no distraction. Just about everyone at the gym is there for one reason.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Because you can make just about any activity as intense as you'd like, it will really depend on a lot of factors. You are the only person who can accurately gauge intensity. Does it "feel" as hard as what you did at the gym? Are your breathing patterns similar? If so, it should be fine. If you normally have your HR at 85% of Max for 90 minutes at the gym and you're only able to accomplish 50% of max at home, then you aren't going to get the same benefits.

    There is no single reason why you wouldn't be able to achieve the same intensity at home. That being said, some people are more pumped or motivated if they are with other people. Also, it can be difficult to exercise at home if the room isn't big enough.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The big drawback to the DVDs is that it is the same thing everyday. Not only may you get bored, but so will your muscles. Well, really, they get used to the activity and then don't burn as much to do it. Also, the instructor on the DVD won't really push you as much (or inspire you the same) as a live instructor.
    I would try to mix it up, Do different DVDs (I think you mentioned that). Vary the intensity - make movements bigger in the later weeks. Or, if you can, take advantage of the library or netflix instant streaming. Both are a good source of exercise videos you can get for free/cheap and return after a few days to get more (you can use the netflix regular DVD service, but then you have shipping time and all that, too).

    But really, if it's only 2 weeks, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. The important thing here is that you're making a plan and staying active. Kudos!!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Something is better than nothing. Just make sure you don't get distracted or slack on your workouts and you should be fine. There's always push-ups, sit ups and crunches that you can do at home.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I don't go to the gym so all I do is workout dvds and run. It's been pretty darn effective for me.