
It was so hard after a LONG work night at my food cart to not buy the tasty looking Zebra Cakes or Swiss Rolls at the grocery store. I just made myself look away, but I really considered it for a few minutes. Sometimes I REALLY want to cheat, especially those days where I did the best at eating healthy and low-calorie foods. Are there any Key things you guys think of or do to help yourself when those cravings strike???!


  • ChrisWag
    I repeat over and over....Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... And I remember how unhealthy that is, and that it goes right to fat and jiggle.... :)
  • Manapaws
    Manapaws Posts: 72 Member
    i drink water when the cravings for sweets hit. Here again reward yourself once in awhile. Take a couple of bites and toss the rest away.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    go burn a couple hundred calories and then have what you crave. WORK FOR IT.
  • amazon75
    find a sweet snack that fits into your diet. i'm loving vitatops and a scoop of arctic zero ice cream. depending on which vitatop you choose it between 127 and 137 calories.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I look at how many calories in what I think I want to eat, and figure out how much I'd have to workout or not eat in order to let myself eat it. It's never worth it.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    I keep low cal snacks. Things like fiber one brownies and sugar free jello pudding.
    These things are low cal and portion controlled.

    If I do not want to eat anymore that day I'll chew gum or go brush my teeth.
  • Jackie_Snape80
    Go for a few lower-cal options instead. The 100-cal packs aren't very good or satisfying, but there are some that are great! Nutty bars come in individual serving size bars(100 cal), animal crackers with chocolate almond milk, fiber one brand has some yummy brownies(better than those special k 90 cal bars -_-), special K has fruit filled crisp bars that are basically like poptarts! :D And you can also allow the "regular" things in sometimes if you have an allowance or you just really, really want one.

    Allowing "bad" things to you diet in moderation and adding variety are key for not going insane XD
  • simplyychaos
    I think about how many calories are in whatever unhealthy thing that I want to eat then I tell myself that if I eat it I have to burn that amount of calories at the gym before I even start my regular workout. Thinking about how much more work that would take is usually enough to make me put it back down. If not, I drink a cold cup of water and it normally takes away whatever craving I still have left.

    However, it is important to indulge occasionally. Maybe not on Zebra Cakes and whatnot, but a few pieces of dark chocolate or low calorie pudding is important so that we aren't deprived. Deprivation of sweets and fatty foods can often lead us to binge, which is more unhealthy than it would have been to just indulge a little.