Coconut oil - magic or myth?



  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Coconut oil does not get stored in your body as fat. It goes straight to your liver to be broken down, and actually encourages your liver to go into fat burning mode. It's the absolute healthiest oil you can put into your body.

    Olive oil is good for you, but should only be used raw. You should be buying organic extra virgin, cold pressed. When it is heated, it starts to break down and is no longer healthy for you.

    Coconut oil is the oil is the oil you should be using for cooking with. It stays stable at a higher temperature. Again, organic, extra virgin is best.

    Healthy fats are:
    Cheese from grass fed cows.
    Butter from grass fed cows.
    Coconut oil.
    Olive oil.
    Fish oil.
    Krill oil.
    Cod liver oil.

    Fats to avoid:
    Corn oil
    Safflower oil.
    Soy oil.
    Vegetable oil.
    Canola oil.
    Shortening of any kind.

    I love my coconut oil. I have been using it for two months. In two months, due to my diet changes and working out I've lost 21 pounds. I ONLY use the above healthy fats. I use coconut oil on a daily basis. The goal is to get 2 to 3 teaspoons in daily.

    God bless!
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    wow. i just love this place! xoxo
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks everyone. Guess if it was a 'miracle' then doctors would be prescribing it to us! Think I will stick with olive oil for now - at least it's easier to buy from the supermarket!

    Not saying coconut oil is a miracle.. But I hate the phrase "If such and such worked, doctors would prescribe it."

    You'd be surprised what knowledge is out there, and what doctor's don't "prescribe" -- Say, high doses of vitamin C to get rid of cancer.. High doses of niacin to nix depression..

    [Edited to correct a typo]

    I COMPLETELY agree with this!

    Example: A week and a half ago I had severe pain in my side and drove to the ER at 11:00pm when I couldn't take the pain anymore. Turns out I had a kidney stone that i was in the process of passing, and more in my kidney. The doctor prescribed 4 medications. I am breastfeeding, and was told that I would have to pump and dump for ELEVEN DAYS! No way. I went to my chiropractor first thing on Friday, who practices Nutrition Response Testing. She hooked me up with some supplements would:

    1. Turn kidney stones to jelly
    2. Naturally reduce inflammation and act as a pain medication.
    3. Help drain the "jellied" kidney stones
    4. Natural antibiotic to treat the urinary tract infection that came along with the kidney stone.
    5. Balance my parathyroid, which was responsible for taking too much calcium, and then depositing it in my kidneys CAUSING the kidney stones.
    6. A natural form of niacin and B6 which my body needed.

    All of these worked naturally, were safe for breast feeding, and best of all not only treated the symptom but CURED the cause (the parathyroid).

    Doctor's get HUGE kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies to push their drugs. And pharmaceutical companies try their hardest to block natural healing products because it cuts into their pockets, due to the fact that they are healthier than many of the drugs.

    Hyperbolic chambers can cure MANY MANY MANY ailments. But it's difficult to gain access to one. The healthier people are, the less money the pharmaceutical companies and doctors make.

    Now, I'm not saying that there is NEVER a need for pharmaceutical drugs. I realize that some people truly do need them. All I'm saying is that you can't always say "If this worked, more doctors would prescribe it." Because that's not always true. Our society relies TOO MUCH on pills to "fix" things.. especially when the drugs themselves can do as much harm to our bodies as good.

    I'm a huge fan of doing my own research. YOU are your own biggest advocate. No one else will work as hard for your health as you would.

    God bless!
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    Coconut oil as been as close to a "miracle food" for me as one can be. It's helped me lose almost 20 lbs without feeling physically deprived. I still have the psychological hunger sometimes but it's easier to manage than it used to be. I cook my scrambled eggs in a generous amount of it and most anything else cooked gets some added. I may still add olive oil and/or butter for a change of flavor (I don't get any coconut taste from the oil but sometimes want the olive or butter taste) but not until closer to the end of cooking if I'm using high heat. It's very stable and doesn't go rancid or burn easily. Great in salads or smoothies, whatever.

    Along the way (in just a couple of months) I also went from prehypertension to normal blood pressure. I still weigh more than I did when my BP was originally diagnosed as being high so I doubt it's just the weight loss.

    I also cut out wheat and grains except for "cheats" and would have a hard time getting enough calories without the good fats, I'm just not as hungry anymore. Giving up grains might have also been a factor in the lowered BP but it had started lowering before that.
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    anything one might use butter in, i use coconut oil in. i fry my eggs in spread it on toast, put it in my oatmeal, i use it in all kinds of baking and my husband makes killer fried rice with it. its actually pretty much the only oil we use, except for some high quality raw olive oil to dip french bread in :D
  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    I use it for cooking. I also use it as a moisturizer for my feet and elbows. love it.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Very stable and doesn't oxidize that easily. it's also a great way to add calories to the diet without using carbs since the MFCs in it are converted to energy without paying a price with an insulin spike. It's also a Great source of lauric acid. It's not a miracle food, but it is useful like any other good source of nutrition.
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    Wow, very interesting. I'm definitely gonna do some more research! Thanks!
  • Leanne1795
    I love and adore this stuff. I use it in cooking, all over my skin and in my hair. I won't say it is a miracle cure-all but it certainly gives me energy, soft skin and great hair! :)
  • ahunkofmexican
    Thanks everyone. Guess if it was a 'miracle' then doctors would be prescribing it to us! Think I will stick with olive oil for now - at least it's easier to buy from the supermarket!

    Not saying coconut oil is a miracle.. But I hate the phrase "If such and such worked, doctors would prescribe it."

    You'd be surprised what knowledge is out there, and what doctor's don't "prescribe" -- Say, high doses of vitamin C to get rid of cancer.. High doses of niacin to nix depression..

    [Edited to correct a typo]

    I COMPLETELY agree with this!

    Example: A week and a half ago I had severe pain in my side and drove to the ER at 11:00pm when I couldn't take the pain anymore. Turns out I had a kidney stone that i was in the process of passing, and more in my kidney. The doctor prescribed 4 medications. I am breastfeeding, and was told that I would have to pump and dump for ELEVEN DAYS! No way. I went to my chiropractor first thing on Friday, who practices Nutrition Response Testing. She hooked me up with some supplements would:

    1. Turn kidney stones to jelly
    2. Naturally reduce inflammation and act as a pain medication.
    3. Help drain the "jellied" kidney stones
    4. Natural antibiotic to treat the urinary tract infection that came along with the kidney stone.
    5. Balance my parathyroid, which was responsible for taking too much calcium, and then depositing it in my kidneys CAUSING the kidney stones.
    6. A natural form of niacin and B6 which my body needed.

    All of these worked naturally, were safe for breast feeding, and best of all not only treated the symptom but CURED the cause (the parathyroid).

    Doctor's get HUGE kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies to push their drugs. And pharmaceutical companies try their hardest to block natural healing products because it cuts into their pockets, due to the fact that they are healthier than many of the drugs.

    Hyperbolic chambers can cure MANY MANY MANY ailments. But it's difficult to gain access to one. The healthier people are, the less money the pharmaceutical companies and doctors make.

    Now, I'm not saying that there is NEVER a need for pharmaceutical drugs. I realize that some people truly do need them. All I'm saying is that you can't always say "If this worked, more doctors would prescribe it." Because that's not always true. Our society relies TOO MUCH on pills to "fix" things.. especially when the drugs themselves can do as much harm to our bodies as good.

    I'm a huge fan of doing my own research. YOU are your own biggest advocate. No one else will work as hard for your health as you would.

    God bless!

    You are awesome ! :love:
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I've just started using it, and I've noticed a HUGE difference in just 2 days. I have had all the signs of hypothyroidism: low resting heart rate (mine was 45), low body temperature (mine was usually around 96 - sometimes 97 if I was lucky), difficulty losing weight while on a calorie restricted diet, dry skin and hair, etc.). And my mom has hypothyroidism, and it's known to be hereditary and common in women who have spent a lot of time dieting. I got checked out years ago and it was negative, but that doesn't mean I don't have a low grade version now. I've lost a decent amount of weight but have hit plateau after plateau and have been doing A LOT of dietary experimentation trying to pinpoint why this was happening. I came across coconut oil for thyroid function (as well as the millions of other benefits they talk about) and decided to try it.

    I started with 1 tablespoon that I cooked my dinner in the other night(salmon and swiss chard). Prior to dinner I was exhausted because I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before due to an allergic reaction to something. Within 30 minutes after I finished my dinner I got this sudden burst of energy and I proceeded to clean my entire kitchen, top to bottom, decided I liked this stuff so I found ingredients in my cupboard to bake my own granola for the morning so I could have a burst of whatever this was before my morning run. I had already planned to have a bowl of ice cream as dessert, but I never got hungry enough to have it - and I had been looking forward to that all day. I didn't crave it at all - and usually at that time I would've been starving for it.

    It was a little tough for me to get to sleep, but when I finally did I slept like a baby and woke up bright and early for my workout. Had a couple bite-fulls of my granola and went running - fastest run ever, muscles didn't get tired, no pain - none. I worked up to 2 tablespoons today, and I'm hoping to get to the recommended dose of 3 tablespoons a day (1 with every meal).

    Also, this morning I took my resting heart rate - it was up to 58!!! - much more appropriate for my fitness level (45 is only good if you're an olympic athlete). My temperature was 98.4!!! I felt a healthy buzz throughout the entire day - it's like I've been working soooo hard with only 80% of my potential - now I feel like 100% and I've moved more today than I have every day of last week.

    Anyway, in the 2 days I've used this, I've lost 2 pounds so far (could be a fluke, but I don't think so, given my boost in heart rate). I have so much more energy and life and color is returning to my face. I'm so excited I found this stuff, and I look forward to reaping the benefits.

    I HIGHLY recommend it.

    I have a resting heart rate of 48 and my temperature is 97.6 , had no idea this could be hypothyriod.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member

    I have a resting heart rate of 48 and my temperature is 97.6 , had no idea this could be hypothyriod.

    People vary in body temp. Anything from 97-99 is considered normal. As for heart rate, hypothyroidism is one of the many, many illnesses that can cause low heart rate. Or, you could just naturally have bradycardia.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I knew if I asked the question on here someone would be able to help - but can't believe I've had so many thorough and informative responses! Thanks everyone. Bottom line, I think, is that it sounds like a healthy oil so I'll order some and use it in my day-to-day diet. I'll let you know how I get on...
  • cclaborn22
    I love coconut oil! I use it to cook all the time whether it be frying up some eggs in the morn, stir-frying veggies or spreading some on my salmon before baking it. Definitely worth buying! There is also a coconut oil spray without any extra added calories or fat :)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I don't know about cooking, but it's certainly been magical on my hair! :laugh:

    Yes extra virgin coconut oil is the only oil that actually gets into the hair cuticle making the hair softer and less frizzy. I melt some in a pan on warm heat on top of stove when melted and cooled I place the melted oil in a bottel that I us to dye my hair with. Section you hair and apply oil on small sections of hair combing each section to get oil all the way thru. Place a shower cap on your hair and clean the house, leaving the shower for last. wash hair two times rinsing well and condition like normal. You will love how your hair feels and look!

    My oil arrived in the post yesterday - tasted great when used in a stir fry with chicken and spring greens. Not sure yet what effect it will have by adding it to my diet but have to say - omigod! - ran a small amount through the ends of my hair before going to bed and washed it out this morning... my hair is sooooooo soft! Could get used to coconut oil in my life!

    Only wish it was cheaper. I bought Emerald off Amazon - if anyone in UK has advice on where to get good quality for a lower price, that would be great.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Quick update...

    Thanks for all the advice on coconut oil. Have been using it nearly a week and have made some changes to my diet and... whoosh... a pound has come off.

    I'd been stuck at the same weight for a few weeks so decided to ignore the MFP settings (which as a low-carber I should do anyway) reset my diary goals up from 1200 calories to 1500 calories with a different balance of nutrients (allowing for a lot more fat) and what do you know? I've lost a pound.

    Not sure if it's the coconut oil or the increase in calories but I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing! Perhaps best of all, by using the coconut oil I don't feel like I'm depriving myself - it makes coffee so creamy that I'm actually seeing my one cup of the day (in the morning - keeps me awake if I have it in the evening) as a treat. How sad is that? :laugh:
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    can't speak for health benefits or weight loss - I've just started using it again (internally, anyway). But for cooking? all good, healthy, logical reasons aside - things taste GREAT cooked in coconut oil. really. it's divine.

    I've been using it in my hair for years. I'd never go to spendy chemical products when coconut oil does all the work better.
  • megsie25
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I don't know about cooking, but it's certainly been magical on my hair! :laugh:

    Yes extra virgin coconut oil is the only oil that actually gets into the hair cuticle making the hair softer and less frizzy. I melt some in a pan on warm heat on top of stove when melted and cooled I place the melted oil in a bottel that I us to dye my hair with. Section you hair and apply oil on small sections of hair combing each section to get oil all the way thru. Place a shower cap on your hair and clean the house, leaving the shower for last. wash hair two times rinsing well and condition like normal. You will love how your hair feels and look!

    I think I need some of hair is naturally curly and right now feels like straw and will not curl no matter what I do. No amount of product is working.

    Oh, and coconut oil is also a good lube for um...:blushing: things if you know what I mean. They talk about it on the marriage boards I'm a member of. It may not be a "miracle drug" for weight loss, but it has SO many uses!