Keeping things easy

Hi Everyone! I am recently 'back in the game' and am serious about my weight loss goals, thanks to MFP. Question: Do you any of you have a way to keep all of your meal and snack ideas handy for meal planning time? I just find it hard to keep things organized I guess and it takes me forever to meal plan quickly each week. Any ideas? I've tried keeping things on speadsheet, but I find that doesn't work for some reason....There's so many great low cal food ideas out there for me to try and keep track of each week!

Thank you in advance and let's all keep each other on track! We can do this!!!


  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    I keep a small spiral notebook handy and when I watch TV I sit down and make up some meal plans for the week. When I do this I am successful.
    Another thing I do like today, I boiled and peeled eggs and put them in the fridge. I made a dessert and have that in the fridge. I cooked up some chicken (while making chicken soup), for chicken sandwichs. I boiled and peeled some fresh beets for tomorrow. I picked tomatoes for salad tomorrow.
    I have all my fruit and veggies cut up in baggies in the fridge too. This week I am prepared, last week only half prepared.
    So try one of these things if it sounds good to you.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I kind of do the same thing, esp for lunches. I will buy bagged salad and separate it into baggies for the portion size and cook chicken and cut it up and put it in the baggies when it cools off, etc. When I go to cook a meal I measure and weigh every ingredient so that I know the exact caloric content. I write down each ingredient as I go so that I can log it later. I create a recipe under the food tab with the information that I wrote down. If I want to make the same thing again later it is already in my recipe section. You also can save these ideas in your "my foods" section for easy access. I usually just add it into recipes though. I hope this helps you. :)
  • mamamia05
    mamamia05 Posts: 82 Member
    organization is key!! I'm a mom of 5 plus my hubby and I and if I didn't plan and organize it would be a mess here..For us chopping all veggies for salads and snacks is a must as well as having fresh fruit, low fat cheese sticks, greek yogurts and nuts on hand for snacks. The crockpot is also my best friend..I can make a lot of food at once and portion out leftovers for lunch or whatever the next day..good luck, once you get in your own groove of things you will feel even more motivated ;-)