Feeling pretty low about myself, Need motivation

Have had a REALLY rough couple of months and feeling really low right now, Could use some lady friends to help boost my confidance again. I am a 45 year old guy that has decided through all of my troubles latley it was time to get my butt in gear -

So I have quit smoking, Have not eaten a french fry in 3 mnths, have not had a sode in 3 months - have started working out 6 days a week (I found a book called Body for life and it is helping me alot) and eat better. I started at 255 pounds almost 3months ago and now I am 230 but have been bataling that weight for several weeks, I can't seem to break that platue.

Anyway, Thanks for letting me ramble, This is really tough for me, I don't normally put myself out there so doing this is alittle scarry.

Hope I meet some great people that I can become friends with and hopfully we can brighten each others days.



  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    It sounds like you're off to a really great start!
    Feel free to add me!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    You're doing great! Stay encouraged!
    If you ever need to vent or if you need another person to be accountable to, I'd love to help. Feel free to add me!
  • mamamia05
    mamamia05 Posts: 82 Member
    Recharging and regrouping can be difficult and like yourself I've surely been there..for me, getting organized with my meal plan and snacks really help..your at the right place for motivation, feel free to add me as a friend ;-)
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    Losing weight is one of the hardest things we have to face in life {when overweight} the hardest part is getting your head around the fact that it's for the rest of our lives that we need to make a commitment to love ourselves for the rest of our lives and making a huge change about what we consume and by looking after ourselves in general is a huge part of that. The changes you have made are awesome so you are on the right track. Take everyday as it comes...we are human, we stuff up. Try not to get too down because when you do that...old habits creep back in. Well doen for reaching out too {and I hope all this makes sense} :smile:
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    first of all... I would suggest changing your username. You ARE someone in particular. Secondly... your weight does NOT define who you are as a person. You have to believe in yourself. It all starts and ends with YOU!!!
  • I have Body for Life also and it's a great way to plan meals and cook healthy. So you're on the right track with that. What do you like to do for exercise?
  • Sun 09/04/11 02:51 PM

    I have Body for Life also and it's a great way to plan meals and cook healthy. So you're on the right track with that. What do you like to do for exercise?

    Following the book, 3 times a week aerobic and alternating upper body lower body the other 3. Its tough
  • inkatia88
    inkatia88 Posts: 21 Member
    I feel I am at that plateau too and I was getting angry, but then I had to realize the changes my body is going through, especially building muscle (which adds on weight but burns fat) and well I have to keep my eyes off that scale and just keep pushing with making the right choices, your doing well and you need to pick yourself up and say I made it this damn far I am not about to go back. Get up right now and dance :D \o/
  • Never going back - Allways pushing ahead. Thanks - I am turning on the tunes in my home gym and rocken out. Lets dance together :)