Working hard to be free of this weight

Hello all, I am new to myfitnesspal and I am going to need all the help and encouragement that you can give. I am looking to lose 60 pounds. I am a mom of 2 kids ages 14 and 17. I work full tme and I have a wonderful support husband of 20 years and he offers all the help to my journey. I am 5"5 and I weight 201 pounds and I am very active. Work out 5 days a week and sometimss 6. I love working out but my dilima is getting my diet plan down. Thats where I need the help. :smile:


  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend and I will support you any way that I can.
  • Choclat_Pearl
    Choclat_Pearl Posts: 166 Member

    We're all in this 2Gether... Just Jump right in and get ur feet wet :smile: You seem to be off to a good start.

    MzBHavin = Sarah
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome to MFP we are all family here, although with different numerical goals our vision is united and that is to find a happier healthier us .. i salute you in accomplishing the hardest stage and that is making your mind up to get started .. never lose your motivation never question if you can do it and always know that you are worth it!!! For your hubby, for your babies, and most importantly for yourself ... we all have a ground zero and it is there where we find the strength to being rebuilding after all the things life has thrown our way nothing can stand in the way of a person that refuses to be stopped :-) feel free to add me as a friend anything i have and learned through studying and personal experience is yours feel free to ask .. take advantage of the logs, the food tracker, and the calories .. if you do not have one a Heart rate monitor (HRM) will be greatly helpful .. your journey has begun and i congratulate you in advance ... :smile:
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome to the same boat as the rest of us
  • hikerchick9
    Good for you for getting started...thats the hard part. Losing weight is 80% food, 20% exercise. So although you are working out, if your not watching what you eat the weight will not fall off. I hope MFP (myfitnesspal) will be very motivating for you as it is for me. We are all trying to improve our health and drop some pounds. Set some small goals too. Good luck with your goals!
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    One thing that will make it easier is to grill up your meat on the weekend. For example:

    Get some boneless, skinless chicken breasts and put some Mrs. Dash (no added calories or sodium) and throw them on the grill.

    You can reheat them and use them for meals throughout the week.

    Feel free to add me and ask any questions you may have. I don't know all but I know a lot more than when I first started this journey.
  • jo_can_do
    jo_can_do Posts: 49 Member
    Hey there, I have just started too and would love some friends to take this journey with me!!! Please feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, we are on the same journey. Good luck!!