how do you deal with the hunger?



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Five month in to clean eating, I rarely ever have those extreme hunger moments, anymore, and then only when I'm seriously sleep deprived or I forget to eat. I have 3 meals and 3 snacks almost every day. If I'm still really hungry I either have extra yogurt with dinner or a spoonful of peanut butter.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    When I'm hungry, I eat! I figure my body is telling me it wants some nutrition! I've lost 40 lbs in the past 14 weeks, so something is working. I'm active and I eat pretty well. Everything in moderation works for me. But, bottom line, if I'm truly hungry - not bored, or thirsty, or stressed, or angry, or sad - but actually hungry, I eat!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I used to get that way when I'd try to "diet." I was actually eating too little, and also not necessarily the right kinds of things--not that I was eating "junk," but I wasn't focusing on eating things that kept me feeling satisfied in the long run. I have found that snacking between meals really helps me out. And my between-meal snacks are usually high in protein, which will help me stay satisfied longer than a carb snack. I don't usually have fruit or veggies for a snack, unless I'm combining them with something like peanut butter, hummus, cheese, nuts, etc. For me, eating a piece of fruit alone will leave me hungry soon after, since it will cause a blood sugar spike and then crash (which makes me feel hungry). That's why I always try to eat some protein with my snacks, to help even out the blood sugar and minimize that feeling of needing to eat my arm because I'm so hungry. Honestly, I am rarely hungry these days. And when I do get hungry, I eat. I also plan to eat something every 2-3 hours.
  • tickletickle
    Protein foods and Water! We all have those naughty cravings though, i treat myself a couple of bits f something instead of a whole thing, you cant always go without!
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    in my experience: eat way more often. always include protein and healthy fats. evaluate if you're feeling emotional or tired. keep really yummy herbal teas around. also keep around the stuff to make a healthy "quick fix" - mine is almond butter with some hot cocoa powder and coconut flakes mixed in. sounds a little goopy but it's delicious and filling and nutritious and hits the sweet spot.

    I have discovered that when I hit that voracious place, the last thing I want is fruit or a salad. so keep string cheese handy, just one for a quick fix, and THEN eat your salad. you WILL fill up, you WILL feel better, your brain just thinks you wont be happy without PIZZA NOW. so a quick little tiny something to shut up that inner scream and then EAT but make it something healthy.

    I'm also a true believer in hot spicy soups. very little cals, lots of hydration, and it satisfies that inner screamer.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Well, I had one severe bout of OMG...I am soooo RAVENOUS...and what I realized I had to eat super slow...but I also, realized my ABSOLUTE LOVE of SILK DARK CHOCOLATE ALMOND MILK! And that sooooo helps me, kills the hunger and craving! only 120 cals a cup! I so have it in stock now..haha..I try to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks or mini I am not hungry every second of the day..Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm almost never ever 'hungry'. It looks like you don't have your diary open to view, so you should mention a little bit about what you're eating.

    I always try to eat a protein, carb, and fiber every time I eat. I also graze, almost never having a full meal. So, I have breakfast and snack on it from 8-10am while I work. A couple hours later I'll start nibbling on my lunch, then I'll have a small snack about an hour before I leave work. This really works for me to not get so hungry that I go nuts and try eating everything in sight. However, on days that I feel more hungry and I truly want to eat a lot, I will eat. I listen to my body and I'm giving it proper nutrition and it's still telling me it needs more food, I do as it says. Happens maybe once or twice a month, I'd say, and not always in connection with hormones, either.

    I thought my diary was open to view but maybe it is only to friends. I will check it out. Here is typical day before I fell off track last month

    1/2 cup of rolled oats (the kind you have to boil for 5 mins) cooked with
    1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of 2 percent milk (the milk is to make it creamy so I dont miss the butter and 2% cuz thats what I buy my kids and cant afford to buy a lot of seperate stuff just for me)
    dash of salt and 1 tsp of brown sugar to sweeten
    with coffee around 350 cals

    My alternate breakfast is 2 eggs over medium with olive oil layed over a slice of 100 whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit
    I also have a cup of coffee with 3 tsps of flavored creamer
    total calories is usually around 250 cals

    I works as a server so I dont get to sit down and eat a lunch I have to "graze" for 4-7 hours on my shift so I pack a piece of fruit, usually a banana/peach/orange along with a serving of almonds and a piece of string cheese. This is basically my lunch and keeps me from eating the free bread and butter or eating french fries or cream based soups that used to be how I got thru a shift.

    Dinner I either pack a sandwich of lean ham, lettuce, tom slice of cheese on 100 whole wheat bread and half a tbls of mayo. And a fat free yogurt this makes me SUPER full and I either go home or too the gym. If I go to the gym I get a protein shake after my work out. and have another snack like edamame or steamed broccoli when I get home bcuz I usually aim to burn between 500-750 calories at the gym and I try to eat most of them back.

    Most days I go over a little on protein but I weight train and dont want to loose muscle usually every few days I will have a day where I go over on carbs instead. But I try to keep most of my carbs whole grain.

    It sounds like you aren't eating enough throughout the day. Your breakfast should be bigger, mine is always around 400-500 calories. Your "lunch" should also be bigger, bring more foods that you can snack on. Going over on protein is fine, on days I'd go to the gym I would get almost twice my MFP protein recommendation. Bottom line, you need to eat more calories and eat more frequently. Your body is telling you what it needs, you should listen.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm there. When I have those days, I often try to eat a little something more that's healthy, but it never satisfies me. I've found that if I feel I need something, I need to determine what that something is and get it. Just a small serving is usually enough. If I don't do that, I start munching. And those munching calories add up quickly, even if they're "healthy" food.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Its almost always 1200 calories unless I go to the gym then the protein shake is 300? and then I eat the rest when I get home. I always net 1200 everyone once in awhile I dont get all my exercise calories in but I usually make up for it the next day.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I am going to try that! Sounds awesome. Maybe even use it to make my oatmeal in the morning. Or like you said as a snack.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    in my experience: eat way more often. always include protein and healthy fats. evaluate if you're feeling emotional or tired. keep really yummy herbal teas around. also keep around the stuff to make a healthy "quick fix" - mine is almond butter with some hot cocoa powder and coconut flakes mixed in. sounds a little goopy but it's delicious and filling and nutritious and hits the sweet spot.

    I have discovered that when I hit that voracious place, the last thing I want is fruit or a salad. so keep string cheese handy, just one for a quick fix, and THEN eat your salad. you WILL fill up, you WILL feel better, your brain just thinks you wont be happy without PIZZA NOW. so a quick little tiny something to shut up that inner scream and then EAT but make it something healthy.

    I'm also a true believer in hot spicy soups. very little cals, lots of hydration, and it satisfies that inner screamer.

    What do you use for hot spicy soups? I love soups and I love spicy
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I drink so much water that there is no way I could possibly log it. Especially when I am at work. I will down a 12 oz glass of ice water every 30 mins to an hour as well as sip on iced green tea with splenda to help quell the hunger.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Eat 6X a day. Fill half your plate with vegitables on lunch and dinner. Preferably green leafy vegitables. You will probably even reduce your meds.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Maybe it is bcuz sometimes at work I may be burning even more calories then mfp estimates and my 1200 net really isnt 1200 net but less. It could be possible. It is a huge establishment and some days I move so fast that I have to stop for a second and catch my breath before I come up to a table. And I really sweat. So maybe you guys are right. I am going to try the air popped popcorn, silk dark chocolate almond milk and maybe even that pnut butter concoction. Give myself a little extra but try to keep it under 100 cals and dont sweat if it says I went over my goal. Appreciate the help all of you. Thank you
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Well, I had one severe bout of OMG...I am soooo RAVENOUS...and what I realized I had to eat super slow...but I also, realized my ABSOLUTE LOVE of SILK DARK CHOCOLATE ALMOND MILK! And that sooooo helps me, kills the hunger and craving! only 120 cals a cup! I so have it in stock now..haha..I try to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks or mini I am not hungry every second of the day..Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What have you set your activity level at? You might not be having enough calories for your normal day.

    If you're at the point you're STARVING you need more calories. Add 200 more per day and see how you go.
  • horizonte22
    I know the feeling! But I NEVER eat more than the calories MFP has stablished for me. If at the end of the day I still have some calories left to eat, I go ahead and eat. Today i was pretty hungry before going to bed and I had 400 calories left. So I did myself an omelet with cheese and a little bit of bacon to taste. If I didn't have any more calories to eat at the end of the day, I was just gonna get a bag of carrots and eat slowly till I'm not hungry anymore. Hope this helps!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I never go hungry. I eat a lot of protein and whole foods. I drink a ton of water. But let's say I went hungry/ I'd just eat.