Anyone have experience with the Unsweetened Green Tea method

Hello all,

So I have been doing MFP since May 2011 and have lost about 15 pounds or so. Over the summer I really planned on stepping it up but that fell short so I am about the same place I was in June. That is okay though, because being back in school makes it so I am having pretty much the same breakfast and lunch daily.

Anyway, my mother used an unsweetened green tea pill and lost about 100lbs without watching her calories or anything. She took it as directed but it did give her the notorious "Green Tea Pee". Because of my efforts in weight loss, I am looking to start taking a smaller dosage to help with MFP calorie logging. Almost in a sense a little booster for some added weight loss.

Again, since I am in school, I really can't afford to have to pee every hour because it just isn't practical. Long story short, does anyone have any experience with the unsweetened green tea pill and/or drink.

Thanks all!


  • cyntia
    cyntia Posts: 24 Member
    i would prefer to take the drink method more than the pill just my opnion but its just seems more natural to me. Green tea is really really good for you and you can look it up online with all the benefits it does to your body. I have tried drinking a cup every morning before i start my day and i feel so energized sometimes i sweeten it with honey and its amazing makes me happy in a cup. I know lame lol good luck and do not give up
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I take Mega T Green Tea Fat Burner Supplements.
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I don't have the answer to that, but I would really like to know how it works. I love green tea and drink it fairly often, but I haven't seen any results like that. I'll watch this thread though.

    Thanks for posting this one! :)
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I also buy Arizona Diet Green Tea with Gingseng. I get a 42 oz bottle for a dollar. I usually drink one everyday.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    There are no magic shortcuts. Eat less calories than your body burns and you will lose weight. Make sure that most of the calories you eat are from healthy foods and you are golden. There are hundreds or even thousands of individual proofs right here on this site.