Next goal

So my first goal when I began my weight loss journey was to get as close to losing 50lbs by my best friend's wedding on September 3,2011. I ended up losing 33 pounds, but I lost several inches and dropped a dress size.

Now this time I believe I want to set my goal at losing as close to 100lbs by April when I have my five year college reunion. Is that goal to high or unrealistic? I figure if I lose about 10lbs a month I'll at least hit 80lbs.

Thoughts are appreciated!!


  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    Yes! Set it and go for it.
    You will do this. You know how.
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    I think you can do it!!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I would say losing 2-3 pounds a week is probably realistic. If you lose more . . . GREAT! If not, you won't feel defeated. Just keep in mind that you made have some weeks where you stall or plateau.

    Congrats on your progress so far. Keep up the good work! You ROCK!

    :flowerforyou: Best wishes!
  • Manapaws
    Manapaws Posts: 72 Member
    Don't think you can do it. You know you can do it
  • alfredapittman
    alfredapittman Posts: 256 Member
    Go for it girl. If you stick to it I know you can do it.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    I agree! 2-3 pounds a week is a good goal! you can do it!!
  • Ekaette07
    Ekaette07 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement!! I'm excited to see how much I can lose!!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I think you can do it!!