So my underarms have never been the lightest (sorry, if thig bugs you but i just need to know :) but they arent the darkes either ok lol so i am brown being hispanic. I started on my journey to lose weight so now that i am 15lbs lighter i notice that my under arm is lighter as well could this be becuase of my life tyle change or maybe change of soap. I went from dove to olay but no new deoroant of no new razor. My question is Is it possible to have this kind of body change? and who else has noticed things like this? oh yeah and can sex be is more enjoyable once you lose a little weight :b


  • Don't know about the answer to your first question sorry as i'm white.

    BUT your last question, sex is definitely more enjoyable when you lose weight, you are way less self conscious (well I am) and get into it more.