30 Day Shred... Level 3 Anyone?!

I have a few more days left on Level 3 :smile: ... anyone else at this point? I do like that it is a VERY quick workout, (sometimes I pause it to to a few more moves on some of the exercise because it doesn't seem like enough) But it is a quick workout so there's really NO excuse not to do it. But I really didn't find it too difficult, probably because each exercise isn't very long. I really like the plank moves & pushups. I do feel more toned in my arms & my legs. (But I'm also running too, because I'm not burning alot with it). But it did help me tone up. Not sure if I should do Ripped in 30 next?! If you've done it how does it compare to the 30 DS? Or I might go all out and try P90X... but I kind of got spoiled with this quick workout... I think P90X are much longer sessions, right?! I'm sure I'll be dying doing it & wishing I stuck with the 30DS... Level One!!!

Good luck everyone! :smile:


  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I'm still just on day 5 of level 1, but I'm definitely interested in what to do after this is over! Bumping to follow replies...
  • If you liked the work from 30DS I would look into Insanity
    Here's a website you can use to get it for free to see if you like it. Good luck!

  • hikerchick9
    hikerchick9 Posts: 28 Member
    Did you shred any weight? I did 28 out of 30 days. I thought level 2 was harder than 3, but maybe I was just getting stronger. I bought Ripped in 30 but have yet to open it. Maybe we can start together and motivate each other. I also already have P90x but it has not been opened up yet either. I agree, I like the 20 min workouts of the Shred, it worked for my hectic schedule. Not sure I could do a whole hour everyday for 30 days. Good luck with your goals!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    im level 3 day 9 tomorrow, stick with it, its worth it
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I loved the 30ds, and also thought Level 3 was pretty easy (although, I did NOT like supermans...just uncomfy). Hated level 2.
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I loved the 30ds, and also thought Level 3 was pretty easy (although, I did NOT like supermans...just uncomfy). Hated level 2.

    I didn't mind those... I did them in a pilates class a few times. I don't like the rock star jumps! Awkward move for me.