Looking for motivated, nice friends to get fit and lose toge

Hey there everyone! I'm restarting MFP and hoping to find supportive, awesome friends to join me. I'm looking to lose about 25 lbs and it seems hard at times because of my love for food. LOL. Sad, but true! I love reading success stories, those keep me going when I feel like giving up. So please add me if you're looking to have a great supportive friend as well, let's do this together!

Take Care and Best of Luck All!




  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Good for you and good luck. I support all of my friends and I think I'm motivated but you can judge for yourself and drop me if you feel otherwise ...:o0

    Just send me a request. .
  • You're very welcome to add me ^_^
  • Hey i am in the same boat too...i am restarting MFP since i dropped thinking about being fit for almost 1 year. Now the weight has creeped backed on and i'm a whopping 69kgs from 57kgs :(...
  • CGSW4
    CGSW4 Posts: 12
    I used MFP about 4 years ago and then after leaving my weight crept up slowly ...! rejoined and have lost c 44 ib although not over night (unforunately !)
    Good luck, exercise like crazy and restrict your calories intake and the weight will flood off (3,500 Calories approx 1 Ib)
  • Rosie•Cheeks
    Rosie•Cheeks Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone!!