Hi There

Hi Everyone,

Ive been using the myfitness pal calorie counter for about a month now, so thought I'd introduce myself!

Im a mum of 2 boys, aged 3 and 5 months, and along with my husband ( you will all know him as zorbaru) I have decided its time for a healthier life for my kids and myself. I want to feel good about myself again.

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week (Contours Australia) I love my work outs and Im getting great results, I also use shadow boxing as a part of my circuit and have found it gives me a much better work out than if i didnt use it.

On the 5/8/2011 I weighed in at 81.3 kgs, and weighed in today and have lost 2.6kgs and 10cms!!

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

