over eaten yesterday ?

selinaesme5 Posts: 9
Hey on my second week with MFP and yesterday felt like I ruined it with pizza, cakes and crisps! should I lessen my calorie intake this week to compensate?


  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    No. I wouldn't....each day is a new day....if you punish yourself the rest of the week for something that happened (past tense) already, then you will have an even harder time sticking to your plan because you will feel like you are depriving yourself. Yesterday is water under the bridge...start fresh today! Sometimes your body is waaayyy more forgiving than you think. Just make sure you drink your water and amp up your activity level, and you should be fine. Good luck!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I wouldn't. I'd just start eating properly again today. I had Burger King this weekend. And cakes. Today is a new day though and back to eating healthily.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I agree. Just get you a really good workout. I always workout extra when I know I'll be eating too many calories.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Nope- just drink your water and eat plenty fresh fruit and veg! Agree with the above, your body is quite forgiving!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Yesterday is over, and today's a new day!
  • Sorry but I don't believe that you can have your cake and eat it!

    Work out how many calories are in the pizza and cakes and then spend the week working those off EXTRA without eating them back. It's not punishment, it's putting your "doesn't matter for a day" into perspective.

    I did an hours intense workout and burned 987 calories last week, not enough for a pizza or a kebab. I then think how easy it was to get here and hard it is to loose and, well, don't eat cake.

    Yesterday may be over but the scales will remember it...

    (You may have guessed I preach at the school of tough love!)
  • Did a 30min spin class this morning and might go out for a long walk tonight with a job to give me a kick start to the week ! got my weigh in Friday ! and will feel so depressed if no weight loss off !
  • 100% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...with Martinhurton...
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    call it a cheat day and if your only on week 2 I think your fine. You're still learning all the tricks. I've been on here for a year or so (I think?) and I still have days were I know I'm over. yesterday is a good example: pumpkin cupcakes with peanut butter frosting (yum!) birthday cake, hot dog, a hamburger patty, and all the nice normal sides (not greens) in spoon sizes. I don't want to add up what I ate but I know I was over.

    I'm just saying yesterday was yesterday and today is today. Don't beat yourself up over it.
  • I'd say start today a-fresh, and maybe do a little more exercise during the week,
    but dont beat urself up about it
  • alocate yourself one day a week where you can eat what you want, dont be so harsh on your self,, i know you may feel guilty but we all make little mistakes
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    And I reiterate...don't be OCD about your calorie count...the fact that you are journaling what you are eating is a step in the right direction. SOME of us are prone to failure every now and then...call it being HUMAN. However, you will receive advice from a few rather militaristic folks here who are from the NO PAIN NO GAIN and the NO EXCUSES school of thought. Perhaps that works for them. DO NOT beat yourself up about what happened in the past. No one ever moved forward looking backwards. Learn from the mistake and look ahead. There will be more mistakes. What mattters more is how you recover...and you OVERALL forward progress.

    It's funny...usually men take a more physical mentality when dieting and exercise. As women, we tend to be more emotionally involved, and far more prone to beat ourselves up over failure. Or is it just me....???
  • And I reiterate...don't be OCD about your calorie count...the fact that you are journaling what you are eating is a step in the right direction. SOME of us are prone to failure every now and then...call it being HUMAN. However, you will receive advice from a few rather militaristic folks here who are from the NO PAIN NO GAIN and the NO EXCUSES school of thought. Perhaps that works for them. DO NOT beat yourself up about what happened in the past. No one ever moved forward looking backwards. Learn from the mistake and look ahead. There will be more mistakes. What mattters more is how you recover...and you OVERALL forward progress.

    It's funny...usually men take a more physical mentality when dieting and exercise. As women, we tend to be more emotionally involved, and far more prone to beat ourselves up over failure. Or is it just me....???

    I agree!
  • 100% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...with Martinhurton...

    I fear you may be the only one, so thanks :o)

  • It happens. I wouldn't worry so hard and just work a bit more intense this week. Remember that you have to have enjoyment out of life and not be so damn hard on yourself. Once every two weeks I do something for myself. If I didn't I would just turn into an OCD patient with a new outlet, instead of someone working towards a balance and healthy lifestyle.

    You can balance it out by maybe burning an extra 100 calorie and cut back 100 calories if your still feeling bad about it.

    PS: This is not a marathon to see how fast you can lose the weight, this is a learning experience to see what works and what doesn't.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Okay... can I bring the two schools of thought together?

    If this is a genuine slip up, then fine, put it behind you. However, I think it's really important to know how calories relate to exercise. I don't think it would hurt to amp up your exercise this week to make up for it. I don't think this is "looking back" or focusing too much on the past, but rather will help you in the long run.

    Without knowing how much you've got to lose or what your current situation is, it's hard to say. Have you got a lot to lose? Is this early on in your new start?
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    100% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...with Martinhurton...

    I fear you may be the only one, so thanks :o)


    Hee hee. :) It's all good, Martinh. It's alllll good. :) That made me laugh, literally. :))
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    Hey on my second week with MFP and yesterday felt like I ruined it with pizza, cakes and crisps! should I lessen my calorie intake this week to compensate?

    i think the most important thing you cna do is figure out a way to not let this happen again ...while you are trying to lose weight. maybe look back and see what you could have done differnetly. that will prove to be more valuable than trying to compensate through out the week or a mistake you really can't take back.
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