Hello from The OC

Hi everyone. Well I have been on MFP for a couple of weeks now and I'm just getting to the point of introducing myself. My journey began a long tine ago, but since I didn't commit and decided to let my health continue to deteriorate - I went to a bad place.

This past Memorial Day weekend (May 27th) I had a heart attack. This one was bad. Had to be defibrillated close to a dozen times. Have of them I was awake when they happened. I was pretty scared, I very easily could have just stayed unconscious and never woke up.

But I did and unfortunately, during the middle of the code blue. My heart got back to normal sinus rhythm and it was over. It was here that my new journey would begin. This wasn't my first heart attack, this was my fourth. Yes, you red that right, my fourth.

I finally opened my eyes and said that I need to really do something. The last three heart attacks were so "easy" is you can call them that. The went in, put in some stents and sent me home 2 days later. From there I would watch my diet and take all my meds and then somewhere I would just not care and start eating bad foods again. I would also stop taking my meds since I got a false feeling of safety since I felt so good. Not taking my meds and eating art food all the time was petty much a death sentence.

Someone up there wants me around and I'm not taking any chances.

I have lost close to 43 pounds so far and trying to eat more fresh foods. I have cut out most, if not all, of my fast food binges. Admittedly I have a taco or two - but no longer having close to three meals a day from McDonalds, Wendy's and Del Taco. I'm incorporating more fruits and vegetables as best I can. I really need to work on eating more vegetables. I have also taken out probably 90% of red meat out of my diet and focusing on fish and poultry.

As a result of the heart attack, I have been in cardiac rehab to get my strength back and get my heart strong again. I have also joined a gym recently and loving it.

My name is Scott and I'm overweight - but hopefully not for long...


  • It's been a tough journey for you to get to here. But you're brave enough to face up to the problem. By sharing it with us, you've lessened the burden because now you have a whole bunch of nosy neighbours that will help keep you on track :)
  • pope369
    pope369 Posts: 159 Member
    Seems we friended each other right as you joined MFP, but I had no idea about your journey. What an amazing story, and thanks for being brave enough to open up and share.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal!
  • Hey Scott! Welcome, it's great you're committed to your health. I'm just starting out too. I've found the support here to be fantastic. The positive energy is contagious and will keep encouraging you to reach your goals, even if you're having a tough day.

    Best of luck, cheers! :D
  • ertrauma
    ertrauma Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, Scott! I am, as you can see from my sign on, one of those people who helped keep you around. Not THE one mind you, but I am an emergency nurse working in a very busy trauma center. I see it every single day. I have to tell you what I've said to many others in my 25 year career: "You have just been snatched back from the jaws of death. You have been allowed to remain here for a reason. Go out and find it. It's there, you just have to look for it. And when you do find it, embrace it. Life is short. Make it worthwhile." Thanks for coming to us at MFP and sharing your story.
  • Amen, brother. Glad to see you here. I'm from the OC too. Whoop. Whoop.
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Welcome!!! Stay focused and positive, one day at a time:flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    My father died at age 41 of a heart attack. It's one of the reasons I try so hard to take care of myself. I fall short at times, but keep trying.

    Good for you for makeing the changes while you still had the opportunity, I wish you a long and MI-free life :flowerforyou: