New to site

I am new to site and dont really know how to navigate through the site very well. I am looking to find some recipes that will help me with a meal plan. Thanks!


  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome aboard. the support here is great. just take it one daya t a time. you'll see results
  • CaptainAmerica1970
  • ahunkofmexican
    Unlike the last two who missed your question, You go to the home page, not ( My Home ), but the home page and scroll down and you will find a title " Recipes ",
    Click on that and you will find stuff that people post. If your looking for certain types, then go to home start a blog in Recipes and see what happens. Don't expect any good Recipes from Captain America, he cant cook and he only knows three words~~~Hello,~~~Welcome,~~~ and Banana's.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Welcome. Lots of good ideas and support here. Lots of recipes on the web for just about any type of diet you are on. Decide what type of recipe you want ( low fat? low calorie? low carb?time-saving?) and what type of cooking you want to do and google that for great ideas. You might check out the magazines too to see if one has a meal plan ( don't they all??) that appeals to you. I never get a new recipe that doesn't include the nutrition info. Ditto restaurants. If they won't tell me what is in the food, I won't go there. Good luck!
  • ahunkofmexican

    Good luck with the race, :drinker: and go ape with the competition and throwing a few banana peels towards your brother in law wouldn't hurt ! Hope you win !