Low Calorie "Sweet Tooth" snacks


Does anyone have any really simple snack ideas, for someone with a really sweet tooth, to help me stop binging on biscuits and cakes. I am going to try some peanut butter on a stick of celery this week, so fingers crossed! lol... Any ideas\suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks. Gary "Where's me biscuits" Wright.


  • chantihayes
    Hi there.. I like sugar free chocolate pudding.. it sounds like you like the carbs though , going on cakes and biscuits :) so maybe a whole wheat bagel thin with some fat free cream cheese or sugar free jelly on it? I know, it sounds too diet-y.. but it REALLY doestaste good.... I was able to "just say no" to a strudel cake this weekend and instead I had one of the above! Or, if you don't mind your fat intake (you said low calorie specifically), check out the Fiber One products - always coupons out for them ,and they are DELISCIOUS (really does not taste like fiber added!) .. I LOVE the 90 calorie chocolate brownies!!
  • chantihayes
    Hi there.. I like sugar free chocolate pudding.. it sounds like you like the carbs though , going on cakes and biscuits :) so maybe a whole wheat bagel thin with some fat free cream cheese or sugar free jelly on it? I know, it sounds too diet-y.. but it REALLY doestaste good.... I was able to "just say no" to a strudel cake this weekend and instead I had one of the above! Or, if you don't mind your fat intake (you said low calorie specifically), check out the Fiber One products - always coupons out for them ,and they are DELISCIOUS (really does not taste like fiber added!) .. I LOVE the 90 calorie chocolate brownies!!
  • marbear1397
    I love to mix rasions with some fruit as a snack! Also you could try mixing a small variety of sweets together so that you dont crave as much. Allow yourself to have a little bit of your favorite candy every day. As a snack sometimes I mix marshmallows with teddygrams and dried fruit. Dried fruit is my fav!
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    My favourite low calorie sweet is frozen berries, low cal youghurt and some milk or water, and some low cal sweetener - blend all together to create the yummiest under 100 calorie treat EVER!!! It's similar to ice cream, but to me it tastes even better. I sometimes add spices or vanilla extract to.

    I sometimes have that as a meal as it's so filling. Yum Yum YUM!

    Sugar Free jelly is another good option at 15 kcal a serving. And for the winter blues? I go for stewed fruit with a drizzle of honey.

    Hope that helps a little?
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    I have a sweet tooth, and I do have a chocolaty treat once in a while still, but I have found that 'Fizzy Jelly' hits the mark, make up low cal jelly by melting it with a little water and replacing the rest of the water with low cal lemonade and leave to set, its even better when you put fresh fruit in it. If you live in the UK try Angel Delight made up with skimmed milk not only is it quite low in calories (low for a dessert) it brings back such good child hood memories :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    jaffa cakes are very sweet n sugary 46cals per biscuit.

    Cut 2 of them into halves and have 4 treats over the day.

    Nutella approx 5cals per teaspoon. I usually have a teaspoon after dinner it is soooo sweet that it satisfies my sugar craving
  • appleskye
    If you have a good blender with an ice-crushing mode, slice up a banana, freeze it overnight, then the next day blend it. Within a few minutes it turns into a kind of banana ice-cream! You could even mix in a bit of cocoa powder or peanut butter. I also like dried fruit - there are so many kinds, you're bound to find one you like - and nuts, or granola bars and fruit bars. I often find myself with too many snacks, not knowing which one to choose...

    Good luck!
  • hchristine
    I love Jello sugar free Creme Brulee rice pudding.
    Light Cool Whip on any Jello flavor is good.
    Vita top muffins (the banana nut one is my favorite)
  • dagmar1313
    1/4 cup of part skim ricotta cheese, 90 cal.
    1 table spoon Baking chocolate powder, 10 cal.
    0 cal. Sweetener
    4 drops of vanilla extract
    Mix and enjoy
  • mokeymokey
    I swapped chocolate bars for chocolate covered rice cakes (53cals) instead of 200. You can get them in health food shops like Holland & Barrett, although they're a bit ££. Once I've exhausted my stash I'll do plain rice cakes with Nutella on them.
  • kungfurockchick
    I have the same weakness for biscuits so I'm with ya on this one.......the answer for me was to stop buying them in, and always have plenty of my favourite fruit in the fridge instead. I cut down on my tea intake (thats when I find I crave a biscuit the most) and replaced 70% of my daily tea intake with green tea (not good for dunking hob nobs, helps weight loss AND gives you a detox!) lol.
    I think the important thing is not to cut them out altogether, as this will instill a feeling of 'going without', making it harder to stick to. Weight watchers do a great range of cakes, biscuits and frozen desserts, all at around 100 calories a pop, making them easy to fit into the daily allowance. Skinny cow ice cream is fantastic too. Check nutritional values, you may be surprised how few calories some stuff contains. I like something sweet in the evening, and being human, don't always fancy fruit. Cadbury's wispa ice cream bars are only 125 calories each for example. You've lost 6 stone already?? You can't be doin too much wrong lol.....Well done and good luck with the sweet cravings! :)
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member

    I'm sure you will do fine as one of the other posts said you have lost more than
    6 stone already so says a huge amount!!

    My thoughts are with you and I am always here for support!!

  • LoveHoodies
    I buy the little Dove chocolate squares. Delicious, and I'll try and limit myself to 2 a day. The slow melt in your mouth seems to do the trick.

    I also love dried fruit, so sweet, really curbs the craving for me.

    If you like biscuits and what not so much, why not just have one? There is no point in depriving yourself and one isn't going to hurt.
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    my sweet tooth splurge is usually vanilla yogurt with a few little chocolate chips in it. You don't need a lot of them because the yogurt itself is sweet. The sugar count is pretty high though. But if you get the Light n Fit the sugar AND fat count is much lower. I get that when I can afford it.

    Unfortunately healthy options are more expensive then unhealthy ones. So wrong...
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I count my calories all day and go to the gym and lift weights and do an hour of cardio so that at the in of the day I can have a stuffed french toast with cream cheese filling by Ihop.....it has 210 calories...
  • gw1sxp
    gw1sxp Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks for the great idea.. frozen berries, I would never have though of that one.... I will definately try it,...

    Thanks very much

  • bbjnkidz
    bbjnkidz Posts: 32 Member
    If you want to try the peanut butter, try the natural kind without added sugar. It is a lot healthier for you.
  • gw1sxp
    gw1sxp Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks to everyone who have posted replies to my topic. Lots of great ideas. Will read through them all, and give them ago...

  • rockchick90
    Bevita breakfast biscuits are so nice! ive just discovered them and theyre onlt 56 cals each and comes in a box with 6 packs of 4 biscuits. i snack on them during the day aswell :)
  • kated930
    my trick for ice cream is to put one of my light yogurts in the freezer, it is sooooooo delicious!