ello peeps

hiya all, i'm new! just joined! looks pretty good so far, although i've only added a coffee as yet lol

thought i'd try this, as i'm not really well enough to diet atm as such (ie, not in a good place mentally) i was on a diet and doing well but then my brother died and i've had a hard time basically caring for myself, tbh even eating...i only rally have dinner :/ thing is i have dinner then it sort of jumpstarts my appetite and i sometimes snack lots in the evening!
having to imput all i eat may encourage me to actually eat in the first place? or at least show me how much i am eating really lol. it's coming upto a year since my brother died so i should start doing something! i've put the weight i had lost back on (minus a measely 2 lbs lol)

need to be more active too, another big problem with me lol


  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey hun welcome, this place is fantastic for support so if you ever need any then just post.