Best Android app for Couch 2 5K?

I'm going to start this later today and when I looked on my phone there were a bunch of different free and paid apps to choose from. What one do you like best and why?
THANKS :happy:


  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    there's apps for c2 5k, awesome, thanks for the info, I'll be happy to hear answers too :)
  • btmadison
    btmadison Posts: 38 Member
    i have recently started using runkeeper i love it (free version) in conjunction with the c25k plan - i set the audio prompts to what day i am on - it does so much more yhough and i like the gps map tracking etc
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
  • MakinMoves
    I'll follow this thread to see what others say....I've been considering doing a C25K program in the upcoming weeks (after the other fitness program I'm doing stops). Thanks for posting!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I have the free verzion I really like C25K lite and i can play my Pandora while the app is running
  • KEShikes
    The free one is fine for android. It works great and you can listen to Pandora or Slacker and still hear the prompts.