Just getting started..........again.

Just getting started after years of procrastination ............and two kids. I am not obese, but overweight yes and unhealthy and sick of not being able to run without it hurting after 10 mins and not buying new underwear or jeans as I detest the changerooms............I really need new underwear - I don't think that I have one pair without holes.....And just one more thing - I realise what I am doing to my heart everytime I lift ( 40 odd pounds) worth of groceries and realise that is extra crap my heart is carrying around that is absolutely not necessary for my body to carry. Iwant to see some my kids grow up and hell, maybe even grandkids one day and be able to play with them. I want to climb mountains and surf well into my 70's!!!! and that is 35 years away - so need to be fit! That's my piece for the day. Good luck to the rest of you - I am sharing my dreams with yours for the future - to us all!!


  • lauraryan1215
    Ozgui... You can do this. Of course YOU can! Go out and buy some new underwear that fit you now and next month buy some more! Something about new undies that make you feel good about yourself.

    It's hard work to keep moving when you want to just quit, but continue forward and build your endurance each day. It really never gets easier, does it? You just are able to endure more!

    Keep us posted, I look forward to hearing about your progress!