New to MFP

Hi All,

My name is Pete and I am in my first week using MyFitnessPal. I really like it so far because for once I can keep track of the calories, fat, carbs, and protein that I take in. I am trying to lose about 11 pounds and MFP tells me that if I only take in 1620 calories for 5 weeks I should do it. We shall see ; )

It amazes me how quick the calories add up !!! I just have orange juice, 1 cup of raisin bran cereal ( I now measure everything) and 1 cup of 2% milk and its like over 400 calories already!! I have not really cut anything out of my diet that I really enjoy, I just eat less portions than I used to. If I go out to eat, I usually eat 1/2 the portion and take the rest home for another meal. I am also working out 3 times a week and jogging as well. This helps me stay in my 1620 range because it seems "bad" foods are my favorite foods. There is NO WAY I am going to quit eating pizza !!

So that's about it. I'd like to hear from some of you and maybe we can keep each other motivated and encouraged. Feel free to add me as your friend.

Good luck with your weight loss goals!!



  • cookiejones
    Welcome! Sounds like you're on a great track to get to your goal :)
  • Buffstuff11
    Welcome Pete! I'm a personal trainer and fitness instructor and I'm ALWAYS telling my clients that they would be so flabbergasted to see how many calories they actually consume each day if they would only track their food!! Good for you that you have made that committment!
    Good luck you on your fitness journey!
  • 2001cobra
    Thanks ya'll, that's the North Carolina in me. Didn't use to say that when I lived in Florida, but i'm kinda stuck with it I think.

    I appreciate your kind welcomes. : )

    Cookie, it seems like you have already lost an amazing bit of weight already from April of 2009, that's AWESOME! You have come a long way, I am sure you WILL reach your goal weight! Personally, I like a woman with a little meat on their bones. An active and healthy size 10 woman is fine by me! I thought about taking a zumba or hip hop class but they really look intense. I still might do it, because I need to get some rhythm going. ; ) Good luck Cookie, keep me posted to your progress. If you need an encouraging word let me know ok.

    Buffstuff, may I call you Buff?

    I wish you lived in NC instead of NV, I would definitely hire you to help me train. I have been on MFP for only one week but I have been working out for a month (no trainer) and have not lost a single pound. :cry: I got this bit of something around my waist that I just cant get rid of!! Perhaps now that I am watching the calories I will see some results. I think I might be building some muscle, but I would much rather lose the stomach.

    Cute picture by the way! Ride that unicorn cowgirl! I'm not making fun... I have grand kids too :wink: They definitely give me a workout. Take care Ms. Stuff, let me know how you are doing on your goals too ok. Maybe we can swap grand kid stories sometime :laugh:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Pete and I am in my first week using MyFitnessPal. I really like it so far because for once I can keep track of the calories, fat, carbs, and protein that I take in. I am trying to lose about 11 pounds and MFP tells me that if I only take in 1620 calories for 5 weeks I should do it. We shall see ; )

    It amazes me how quick the calories add up !!! I just have orange juice, 1 cup of raisin bran cereal ( I now measure everything) and 1 cup of 2% milk and its like over 400 calories already!! I have not really cut anything out of my diet that I really enjoy, I just eat less portions than I used to. If I go out to eat, I usually eat 1/2 the portion and take the rest home for another meal. I am also working out 3 times a week and jogging as well. This helps me stay in my 1620 range because it seems "bad" foods are my favorite foods. There is NO WAY I am going to quit eating pizza !!

    So that's about it. I'd like to hear from some of you and maybe we can keep each other motivated and encouraged. Feel free to add me as your friend.

    Good luck with your weight loss goals!!


    uh, 11 pounds in five weeks is doable, but with 1650 calories, you'll be really struggling. personally i'd be doing it to lose about a pound and a half a week. it'll be a very drastic food intake.
    also, you should be able to incorporate some of your "junk food" into your diet!! everything in moderation.
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome Pete, MFP is a great place to get support and to share what works. Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck!
  • 2001cobra
    Thanks for the comment enginman312. The 1620 calories/five week goal is what MFP gave me when I answered the initial questions. I am kinda wondering myself since I have not lost a pound as yet and I have been below my calorie intake just about every day. I have went over on my sugar consumption most every day, but goodness sakes, 6oz of orange juice is like 20 grams of sugar... I am only suppose to have 33 grams of sugar for the whole day according to the plan that MFP put me on. I have to have to have my OJ every morning!

    We shall see how it goes I guess. Good luck to you on your goals!

    Take care,