Ok is this normal???



  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    Before I had my hysterectomy, I was like this. My uterus was tipped the other way and was 2.5 times normal size which put pressure on my bladder, I'm thinking. No gyno ever mentioned it's size after an exam, so I don't know if they couldn't tell until it was removed or what. Thought I'd mention it as another thing to think about. BTW, now I only go to the bathroom about 4-6 times a day, (two of my potty breaks are "just in case" pee's b/c I have an hour drive to work) never at night, and I drink 9-13 eight ounce glasses a day. I am almost 47 yro
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I will admit I didn't read all of the posts but I don't think you should worry about diabetes....yet. You would have to be drinking CONSTANTLY as well as going to the restroom often. My sister has been diabetic for 25 years and she had a very juicy apple in one hand and a glass of water in the other and could not get enough of either.

    It is something to watch but as long as you don't have the insatiable thirst to go along with the frequent going I don't think it's diabetes. I would just try to drink your water very early in the day to "move up" the trips so that it doesn't interrupt your sleep. Maybe try some kegels to try to strengthen those muscles so you don't feel quite so rushed?