
mcanan23 Posts: 1
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am new on here and would love some friends to help motivate and keep me going...My goal is to loose 65 pounds, dont really have a time frame, would like to quickly meet it but I know thats not realistic. I have a super busy work schedule, as my schedule everyday is different. I never work the same hours so its very hard for me to find time to exercise, and to make things a little harder im a mother to a special needs 3 year old. I am also a very picky eater, I hate that im like this but its how I was raised. If anyone has any advice to how to overcome these obstacles, I will listen to anything at this point. I have to make a weight change, not only for myself but for my family, im recently seperated from my husband and my weight is a main issue to why we have problems. And thats killing me, to know that my weight, something I have control over, is ruining my relationship with him. So any advice or any friends to help keep me going would be awesome!


  • shmo1969
    shmo1969 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome and I wish you success!!! Add me if you like. :)
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey feel free to add me. You have come to a great site to help you with your journey.
  • Hiya I'm also new on here !! I have a lot more to lose than you and have set 3 monthly goals as I'm going away at Xmas to see the bf family for the first time , then they are coming here in march for my birthday !! I understand what you been about work I'm the same doing 7-3 one week n 3-11 the next.

    Add me if you like and we can cheer each other along

  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Hi, I am new on here and would love some friends to help motivate and keep me going...My goal is to loose 65 pounds, dont really have a time frame, would like to quickly meet it but I know thats not realistic. I have a super busy work schedule, as my schedule everyday is different. I never work the same hours so its very hard for me to find time to exercise, and to make things a little harder im a mother to a special needs 3 year old. I am also a very picky eater, I hate that im like this but its how I was raised. If anyone has any advice to how to overcome these obstacles, I will listen to anything at this point. I have to make a weight change, not only for myself but for my family, im recently seperated from my husband and my weight is a main issue to why we have problems. And thats killing me, to know that my weight, something I have control over, is ruining my relationship with him. So any advice or any friends to help keep me going would be awesome!

    If this important to you, you must make time for this. You are right it will not come off in one day. But you have to crawl before you can walk. you must walk in order to stand tall, In order to learn we must be taught. After we have learn we must try hard to reach our goals.
  • Welcome aboard. Add me as a friend if you like. What kind of foods do you not like? I don't know if I have any answers but I do know that you should let someone blame your weight for his issues. I have gained weight since getting married 6 yrs ago, but my husband still loves me. I don't mean that to sound bad, just letting you know you sound like an awesome hardworking woman. We have to be stronger than everyone else and often blame ourselves for what goes wrong. hang in there.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    Im sorry to hear that your relationship has problems due to your weight. Sounds like he is a bit shallow, people can be that way and I am sorry. My younger sister is special needs so I know that alone is going to consume most of your time, and a fluctuating work sched. wont make it any easier. My mom went through what you are going through though. My sister having special needs, she has the ability of a 3 month old and is in a 14 year olds body now. She over the past 3 years divorced her emotionally abusive husband and lost over 70 lbs. She did a total body transformation. So it IS possible. good luck to you in your goals.
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