How do I deal with the new look - saggy facial, chin & neck

The good news is that I've sucessfully shed 45lbs & have lost my double chin. I thankfully no longer look like I am blowing up a balloon, nor holding my breath in pictures :) !!! Unfortunately, now I have that sort of malnourished look you see on folks that have dropped a bunch of weight. Also, I notice that skin around & under my chin now looks saggy, since the "excess baggage" has been jettisoned... The thing is - I still have about 10lbs to lose to acheive my orginal goal & 40lbs overall to acheive a non-over weight BMI.

Along with dieting, I have been doing strength training hoping to fill some of the lose skin up with muscle, but I don't think that will help my face, chin & neck per say.

If I & others notice this now, what will it be like after losing the next 10, 20, 30, 40lbs - yikes !!!

Have others here had this issue?

What would you suggest - I hope I am not destined for the plastic surgeon at 47yrs of age!!!

I appreciate your feedback, WNW64 !!!


  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I have it too (see my numbers). I'm using that chin thingy they have in infomercials. IT WORKS! Cracks up hubby every time I use it but's working!!

    Go here:

    And congrats!

  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    Decide it is sexy.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Walk taller, lift your head up shoulders back.

    I think as we put weight on we tend to slouch a little more.

    Try to think an inch taller each day you wake up x
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Loose skin is both a badge of honour and a bit of a disheartening reminder for most, especially those who lose a bunch of weight. The good news: Yes most of it should tighten up. The bad news: it will take time, lots of time in fact. As I'm sure you are well aware of as we age our skin looses some of its elasticity (hence why our boobs sag, etc.) and it becomes harder to lose that saggy look. More good news!: Hydration (like loads of it) will help your skin regain some of the elasticity. Drink 8-12 glasses of water EVERY day, more if you've exercised alot that day. Invest in a good facial moisturizer that is made for your skin type and "life stage". Lastly, be patient. It will take time and in the end you may decide that you want to invest in some surgery but you will have to make that decision. Keep up the good work, extra skin or no, you're much healthier and no doubt much happier you, just in a smaller package. :)
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I believe that toning up the neck will be something doable, maybe along with the excercise use some kind of toning lotion, cocoa butter at night, you never know that just might help, or another thing that they say is really good is the coconut oil, the extra virgin kind, of course you only want to use these at night, but it might work. I will follow this, because when it is all said and done, I will have lost 100+ pounds, so I too will have this problem very shortly.
    thanks for asking. Nice post. :wink:
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    yoga? Do salute to the sun every morning that gives a good stretch, don't read in bed and make sure you eat oily fish - salmon is great for skin. Use moisturisers on your neck - I don't know whether any of this works but I've been reading the anti-ageing beauty bible and now I've started doing all this I'm too scared to stop! But seriously, as other posters have said be proud of your weight loss and discover a penchant for polonecks/scarves or cravats...
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member

    Thanks for this. I just told my husband last night that this is bothering me and that I remembered Jack Lalanne doing face exercises - didn't even think to check youtube!
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I believe that toning up the neck will be something doable, maybe along with the excercise use some kind of toning lotion, cocoa butter at night, you never know that just might help, or another thing that they say is really good is the coconut oil, the extra virgin kind, of course you only want to use these at night, but it might work. I will follow this, because when it is all said and done, I will have lost 100+ pounds, so I too will have this problem very shortly.
    thanks for asking. Nice post. :wink:

    Moisturize as you lose the weight, it will decrease how much extra skin you have at the end.
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    I am an older person so when I've lost my weight I can really see it in my neck... I am trying to use moisturizers and drinking the water. I've not lost all that much weight but I can tell by the wrinkles and I don't like that. Thankfully though my face has not wrinkled that much. Oh well, things just happen like that.....
  • wnw64
    wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks all for the great ideas & information; MFP never fails to amaze me with the quality folks that actively participate !!!
    For those in the US, Happy Labor Day. For those outside the US, happy Monday!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My dermatologist suggested a face/neck lotion that has retinol. It works by slightly irritating the dermis and causing collagen production. The collagen fills in the wrinkles and smooths under the skin. If you have sensitive skin you may only be able to use the lotion 2-3 days per week. I have been using a Roc product 2 days a week for the last 7 years or so as my weight went up and down. No one ever guesses my true age, they think I am 8-10 years younger.

    I have also heard that vitamin C lotions work well.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have it too (see my numbers). I'm using that chin thingy they have in infomercials. IT WORKS! Cracks up hubby every time I use it but's working!!

    Go here:

    And congrats!


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