My Diary



  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Oh my god girl you need more food and water!!!! Never skip meal and reach you 1200 per day.

    You will lose weight doing what you are doing but you won't be able to eat like this forever and once you go back to normal you will put on all the weight and maybe more. Look at MFP not as a diet but as a why of changing your bad eating habits forever. Once you reach your goal your going to have about 1800 calories aloud per day and if you have not learnt to eat well you will just end up filling these calories with rubbish and its will be all downhill from there.

    I speak from experience - Good luck
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    When I first started my weight loss I was eating as much as you are now. I would lose a bit and then stall for a couple weeks at a time. Recently I stopped working out due to a knee injury (will be back to it when the knee is better) and I eat at least 1200 calories a day and I have lost a lot since eating 1200 and that is without exercise. I have a lot to lose though. You definitely want to eat at least 1200. When I didn't eat that much when I started, I felt it. Now I am feeling so much better!

    Oh also, lots of water! Drinking water has helped me so much. I also drink coffee or diet soda once in a while but for me, water has always been something I liked so it wasn't hard for me to give up full sodas.