Couch to 5k week 1 5/9

Did my first C25k today. What a brilliant podcast! And it's free! Next walk/run/walk on Wednesday. Is anyone else just starting out this week ?


  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    i started that about 4 weeks ago, kinda got a bit lax with it tho but it is an amazing app!
  • Are you going back to where you left off or will you start again?

    I've just done week 1 ( 5mins walk, 60secs jog/90secs walk x 8 then 5mins walk).

    How much week 2 increase the running? I've dodgy knees so need to take it gently.
  • karencymru
    karencymru Posts: 14 Member
    Just about to start week 1 but think I might need to do week 1 a couple of times!