Sweaty after the gym



  • I know this sounds weird, but I haven't shampoo'd my hair in over 3 yrs. So, after the gym, I hop in the shower and do a scalp massage under running water.

    Doesn't sound weird to me, I haven't shampoo'ed in months! I wash once or twice a week with baking soda and use vinegar once a week to condition it.

    After my workouts I rinse under hot water and massage my scalp. Works just fine. My hair is not stinky or oily in any bit.

    I've never heard of not shampooing your hair!! This might be what my bleached hair needs! What do you do about tangles...conditioning etc?!?
  • My hairdresser and I actually work out at the same gym togehter. He sees how much I sweat and says its okay to wash hair every day I work out with a non-harsh shampoo but try and not to wash on off days. It also helps that I wash my hair at night and let it air dry so it doesn't get hit with excessive heat too much.

    I actually do wash my hair at night and let it air dry! I have never had really nice hair! It is straight and fine! My hair dresser told me I have skinny hair...why can't i have a skinny body and fat hair??? UGH!!!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I read an article about how shampoo's mess up the natural pH of your scalp. The science in the article made sense. So, I stopped shampoo'ing. For the first 6 months, I had some TERRIBLE hair days (made bad hair days look like a walk in the park).

    When I originally stopped shampooing, I would use a baking soda/water scrub once every 2 weeks or so, to help my scalp get back to the correct pH. But the baking soda/water scrub is harsh on your hair.... it always feels gritty. Between the baking soda/water applications, I would periodically use a 10% apple cider vinegar solution to rinse my hair. That's 1 oz apple cider vinegar + 9 oz water. But after a while, I don't even need to do that. If my hair feels REALLY grimey (every 3 weeks or so), I do an apple cider vinegar solution rinse. Once every 10-14 days, I use some watered down conditioner, just to smooth the ends of my hair.

    Go google "no shampoo".. You'll have to sift through the spray on dry-shampoo items, but you'll find the articles. Here's a link to a good one that explains the science. http://www.naturemoms.com/no-shampoo-alternative.html
  • MsRobin_TheSequel
    MsRobin_TheSequel Posts: 127 Member
    I shampoo my hair just once a week, but rinse thoroughly in the shower and use conditioner daily. And yes, I workout and sweat like a pig, on a daily basis.

    (Hm. Pigs don't sweat do they? Oh hell, you know what I mean!)
  • ihopeg
    ihopeg Posts: 5
    Even after a shower, when I wet my hair, it is still smelly. I will try the dry shampoo
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I wash my hair nearly every day. I only get my hair cut once a year, maybe twice. I always apologize to the stylist about how dry and damaged my hair is. They always say, "it it not! You're hair is so healthy!" Do what makes you feel comfortable.
  • I have to wash my hair everyday because it gets oily if not.
    There are different hair types, if you have oily hair you should wash regularly, if your hair is dry then you can skip days. It's really different from person to person.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    You know I think it depends on your own hair. I have to wash my hair every day. If I don't it just looks bad. Matter of fact everyon in my house hold does. (My mom use to cut hair and what not too.)

    Though after the gym, I don't do a thing but simply walk out of the gym still sweety.

    Yet, it also depends on the shampoo you are using. I can't use shampoo walmart sells. I have to get salon style shampoo.

    Still, it depends on the person I guess. I just know I have to shampoo every day. If I don't I get the worlds worst rats nest.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    An alternative choice is the shampoo that is no water. You brush it in. My hair is thick and is all the way down to my waist, so washing it every day is out of the question. It takes about 6-7 hrs just to dry all the way thru to my scalp! I wash mine every other day, and if I get all sweaty, I let it dry, and use the brush in shampoo. Works for me, and my hair is healthy.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I just don't wash it after I go to the gym sometimes. Sometimes I do, but before I started working out, I'd wash my hair about once a week, and now I've gone up to 2 or 3 times a week, which really sucks.

    I think it depends on what you're doing the rest of the day or the next day. If you're going to want your hair to be fabulous, then wash it, but if you're going to class/work and you can put it up in a bun, don't.

    I have to add: To the ladies whose hair gets very oily if they don't wash it every day. The problem is that you wash it every day. You scalp produces more oils because you're stripping it of oils every single day, the poor dear :(
    I used to have a similar issue, and then I just started washing it every other day for a while, then every 3 days, etc.. You'll go through like a month of absolutely disgusting hair, but it was worth it to me. I'd just put it up in a bun most days.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I quickly blow dry my hair and then use dry shampoo and style. Works well for me!
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I wash my hair after the gym. On off days I don't wash it, which is only 1 or 2 times a week.

    This is exactly what I do, if for some reason I can't, I wear my hair back that day or style it somehow with gel, so it's looks wet anyways. LOL.
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    You could always just use conditioner to wash it those days.
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I am a hair dresser and I know the rule....but.....I wash my hair twice a day and it stays healthy! I hate the smell of oily hair, and then mixed with sweat, really gross!

    Besides that, if I don't wash my hair at least once a day my scalp itsches so bad I can't stand it!

    I say wash away, just use a good conditioner on the ends, and do a cool water rinse, it help your hair stay shiny!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Hair Febreeze.


    edit photo size.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i mainly just water rinse, but then again i have curly dry hair so this isnt a problem for me. otherwise i wash using a conditioner with no silicones. the only time i shampoo is on days i've been to the pool..
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I could care less what is recommended. I will take dry hair over sweat stench in my hair. I sweat horribly and wash every single day. I shampoo about every third and on the other days I use a conditioner. It gets the stink out and makes me not feel gross from the sweat.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    I wash my hair everyday, gym or not. There's nothing wrong with my hair...

    I think if you are sweaty and smelly, just take a shower. You'll feel and smell better.

    i wash mine everyday. the sweat and oil that builds up kind of counteracts the shampoo stripping away everything. and don't rinse and repeat, you should be fine!

    you should definitely shower though!
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Sometimes I will just do a water rinse IF I'm not as sweaty. I have naturally straight hair, so I wash, condition and air dry.I might dry or straighten my hair once a month or so. I sometimes do a deep conditioning treatment. I use this shampoo:

    no harsh chemicals.

    I think not heat styling will prevent more damage than anything else.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    My stylist tells me the same thing and then gave me this advice....

    Wet your hair with SUPER hot water... let it run through your hair for a few minutes... condition just the ends.

    And style :)

    Only i condition it all, just not with a super thick and heavy conditioner, you may have to experiment a little