Hello... :) P90X ;D

So im new here, found out about this from the app on my blackberry...

Gotta say im impressed.

About me, i did p90 and intended to carry it on but started working (support worker for mental ill adults) and lost track of exercise and started doing a lot of overtime (14 hour days instead of 7). As you can imagine i stopped logging food on this, and started eating junk as it was fast and easy.

So now im starting p90x (5/9/11) and im cutting my calories down, reason for this is, im only 18 i still live at home and i eat with my family (5 of us) so for me to follow the p90x diet would be impossible without making all my family do it. But with this the only meal i can't really controll is my Tea. So i always allow 600-900 calories for that and then use the rest sparingly.

I did loose nearly 15lbs in 45 days. But work started and im back up to my starting weight so im getting ready to go again.

If anyone ! is on p90x feal free to add me and join me on this one :)
