Almost at the TOP of my yoyo

Hi, I'm CLO. I've been using MFP for a long time on my iPhone, but have never logged on here. I'm looking for some accountability and motivation to keep eating right and exercising. Ideally I'd like to lose about 30 lbs, but I'd be happy give or take five in either direction. I'm athletic, but finding the time to workout is tough with a full time job and two little kids. I've been walking (and a little run walking) at night after the kids are in bed, but now it's getting dark so early that it won't last for long, not to mention it's going to get too cold soon. I can get up in the mornings and workout with the wii, but it's kind of boring. I'm looking for advice and maybe a few people to keep me motivated and accountable. Anyone in my boat and want to try to get to the bottom of the yoyo string and stay there? Let me know.