23 pounds lost . Saying goodbye to my size 10's (picture!)



  • zookeeperjess
    You're doing great! Remember that 1 pound a week is a good healthy weight loss. I have lost about a pound per week as well.
  • zookeeperjess
    Congratulations! you look great!

    I noticed you have a Zumba logo on your progress ticker. I have tried to find Zumba in the Exercise data base, but it doesn't show up. Do you have info (or anyone have info) on calories burned. There are also different intensities of Zumba. The class I go to is moderate to high intensity.

    www.zumbacalories.com enter the info there and it will tell you how many calories (roughly - but it's very close and pretty accurate) you've burned during your workout then go to create a new exercise and enter the info. It will save into your exercises so you can always just enter how many minutes you did and it will adjust the calories burned accordingly.
  • zookeeperjess
    This is so inspiring to me. I'm about 5ft tall and a size 8 and while others may think that's small, it's really big for someone so short! You really boosted my confidence today- knowing that I can get back down to a 5 again. Thanks!!!!

    Thank you! I know that reading stories like mine really helped me in the beginning too. You CAN do this!
  • zookeeperjess
    wow...thats so awesome. I have the exact same SW and GW as you and I am also 5'1".....so I am glad to see that it does work!!!! I have been struggling with the slow progress....only down 6lbs in 2 months!
    But seeing this helps me stick to it!!

    You are doing great! Just keep at it! Remember that a good healthy weight loss is around 1-2 pounds per week. I usually lose about a pound per week.
  • zookeeperjess
    Very inspirational! I'm right under 5'0, starting weight 158 current weight 155.. I'm encouraged that your goal weight is not 100 lbs. I appreciate my curves and think I'll look just fine at 130-135. We'll see! Best of luck!

    I used to be 103 before children but I know in reality, that will never happen. I am comfortable with being in the 120's and being healthy!
  • Mikkaelaa
    Mikkaelaa Posts: 68 Member
    great picture :D
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    You look awesome!... :)
  • upsydaisy2011
    upsydaisy2011 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, you look amazing :)
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