Low-Carb Sick Foods Please? :D



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    there is a HUGE difference between ketonacidosis and ketosis, I WAS referring to ketosis... No she said she thinks that food poisoning is what it is... So obviously she doesn't know... Here is my concern...

    "Ketosis most commonly occurs when people are following a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. When the body is forced to use protein and reserves of fat because there are not enough carbohydrates in the body, it has achieved ketosis. The ketosis side effects range from relatively minor side effects, such as bad breath and gas, to more significant side effects, such as weakness, nausea, and dizziness. Among the most severe ketosis side effects are liver damage and kidney damage.

    Sounds a little like the last case of food poisoning I got...

    Back to the important person here... the OP~ are you under a doctors supervision to be at 400-800 cal a day? I have no problem
    with a diet that limits processed carbs, my problem is with a restriction to a high degree, especially in combination with such low
    calorie. How long have you been doing this and how much have you lost? If your doc is good with it and is monitoring you... Go for it... If not... Reconsider ALTERNATIVES...

    Read the article, being informed about ALL aspects of a diet and how your body behaves is NEVER a bad idea.

    I really hope you feel better soon!!!

    ~ Sonia

    I have never seen anyone have any negative side effects from Ketosis and I have been in a state of Ketosis for the last 6 months now and I have had nothing but more energy and in the beginning there is some bad breath until the body is used to burning fat as its primary fuel.

    The brain thrives off of ketones, so Ketosis is no where near unhealthy.

    And there is nothing wrong with a low calorie eating plan when you are severely overweight. The vitamins that are stored in the fat cells are more than enough along with the nutrition that the OP is putting into her body that she is getting adequate nutrition.

    She didn't ask for anyone to tell her she needs to eat grains when grains are NOT needed or necessary for proper body function. There are no nutrients in grains that can't be obtained elsewhere.

    And I am willing to bet that the OP is eating proteins and vegetables (a clean eating routine) as to why her calories are on the lower side.

    And she mentioned that her calories were low due to being sick.
  • whatwentwrong
    sorry for neglecting the thread, i was just... really disappointed by some of the responses, and needed some time away. thank you everyone who stuck up for me, and who stuck up for low-carb diets :) and thank you everyone for the food ideas! i'm feeling a whole lot better today, but next time i get sick i have some new things to try :D

    in the future if you are worried about my diet, please PM me instead of posting here :(
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    offthiscentury ~ I apologize for allowing my concern:embarassed: to turn to stubbornness:grumble: . And my stubbornness:grumble: to lead to my common courtesy:flowerforyou: jumping out the window.:frown: My intention was truly not to make you feel badly about your dieting decisions. I realize now that my hardheadedness kicked in when I felt my intention was not being received as I had intended and I, unfortunately became even more stubborn. You are absolutely correct when you said that a Private Message of my concern would have been more appropriate, and would not have led to your thread becoming something you never intended it to be. .

    I do hope you feel better soon, and that the constructive comments about foods that would be gentle on your tummy help you recover quickly.

    :flowerforyou: ~ Sonia