I never thought I would be saying this...

I feel lonely!

I'm not in school this semester and I spend 90% of my time working.
When I'm not working, I'm working on my fitness. I spend a lot of time alone these days.
I only see my friends on weekends and I haven't been on a date in.....only baby Jesus knows how long...

I don't really go to bars/clubs anymore and I try not drink anymore.

*** woah, just realized that my life sounds really, really boring***

Where are the decent single guys hiding?

What does a girl gotta do these days :(



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Everything is given to us for a reason. Maybe this time is what you need right now. You are working hard which is good for you and you are working on your fitness which is good for you. Maybe this is the time you get to reflect on yourself with out the burden of a guy so you can then find the right guy. You never know. ALso it is sometimes easier to find something when you stop looking for it.
  • Murphk323
    Maybe I'll just buy like, 300 cats and be a wierdo lonely cat lady who sits at home on the weekends watching the real housewives while I eat my Lean Cuisines with my cats.
  • airraidsiren
    You're kidding. Right?
    JDNOX Posts: 619


    Awesome Picture!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everything is given to us for a reason. Maybe this time is what you need right now. You are working hard which is good for you and you are working on your fitness which is good for you. Maybe this is the time you get to reflect on yourself with out the burden of a guy so you can then find the right guy. You never know. ALso it is sometimes easier to find something when you stop looking for it.

    I agree with this. I really do.

    I think having time to reflect on ourselves, our lives, our goals, etc is important.

    When you stop looking - is when love finds you. And honestly? You NEVER know where it'll happen!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Maybe I'll just buy like, 300 cats and be a wierdo lonely cat lady who sits at home on the weekends watching the real housewives while I eat my Lean Cuisines with my cats.

    This might be just a wee bit extreme. lol.
  • Murphk323
    Everything is given to us for a reason. Maybe this time is what you need right now. You are working hard which is good for you and you are working on your fitness which is good for you. Maybe this is the time you get to reflect on yourself with out the burden of a guy so you can then find the right guy. You never know. ALso it is sometimes easier to find something when you stop looking for it.

    well said, and I do agree.
    sometimes it just bothers me though. :\
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member


    Awesome Picture!!

    Thank you :)
  • Murphk323
    Then people are like "Aw you're pretty and I'm sure you'll find someone"

    And I'm just over here like:
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Okay you are pretty we all agree right..

    no objections so we do..

    Here is something that most people (guys especially) are guilty of..

    What do you want? and Do you know what you want?
    If you can answer that then relax you will find it give it time. If you don't then work on that first.
  • bhagavatilad1
    you need to go out more. I live in Austin 1hr from San Antonio and I love San Antonio go for a walk on the Riverwalk visit Six Flags or Sea World. Go have fun and just when you least expect it someone will come along besides you are so young there's lots of time.
  • bhagavatilad1
    you need to go out more. I live in Austin 1hr from San Antonio and I love San Antonio go for a walk on the Riverwalk visit Six Flags or Sea World. Go have fun and just when you least expect it someone will come along besides you are so young there's lots of time.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member

    I say go with myfitnesspal.com ... then the others if this doesnt work!

    but in seriousness, dont seek out guys in bars, instead look for them in everyday places and your most likely to find one who doesnt have his "game"face on if that makes sense! Your an attractive young woman and the right guy will come along before you know it. I know that sounds cliche'd but its true.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    It's hard to meet people, I hear ya. If you are opposed to online dating, put the word out... Seriously ask your friends if there's anyone quality they'd set you up with. Go linger at your local bookstore or coffee shop. Put up flyers at work.

    OK, maybe not that. But don't get the cats either. Creepy cat people...
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I hear ya! I have been "not looking" for awhile now... Keep wondering when my Mr Right will make his appearance, but I'm not giving up hope. Try to stay sane! I'm not ready to start collecting cats yet! (Besides I'm more of a dog person! lol) ^..^
  • Murphk323
    I know how to be happy alone and I don't feel like I need a man to make me happy or anything like that...
    Just sayin' sometimes I just want to be in the company of an attractive member of the opposite sex.
    Sometimes I get tired of working and being alone.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    It's hard to meet people, I hear ya. If you are opposed to online dating, put the word out... Seriously ask your friends if there's anyone quality they'd set you up with. Go linger at your local bookstore or coffee shop. Put up flyers at work.

    OK, maybe not that. But don't get the cats either. Creepy cat people...

    Single pretty girl looking for love.. Now there is a start to a Criminal Minds episode for you lol
  • TunsiAmeri
    TunsiAmeri Posts: 15 Member
    Then people are like "Aw you're pretty and I'm sure you'll find someone"

    And I'm just over here like:

    I don't like when people say you'll find "someone" .. if I wanted just anyone I could walk outside.. but that doesn't mean the lonely feeling goes away. You need that certain person who can make that feeling go away and fill it with an over charge of electric emotions!

    As for where are the good guys hiding? Good question ... I think the cliche is true .. either their taken, married, or gay! And the older you get the harder it is ... for both men and women because we have grown into our own ways and have scars and baggage!
  • missebony88
    I think having a good group of girlfriends does great things. If you have fun outgoing supportive friends you have a chance to meet mutual friends and might just find a nice guy in the mix. You don't have to go clubbing but going for lunch, joining a running group, or a weekly outing with the girls might be enough to get you back out there. it's all about being confident in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Being a hard worker and exercising is one thing but you need time to just chill out and have a little fun too.
    Mind-Body-Soul... or as Mars like to put it Work-Rest-Play. Just find the balance.