Hello Everyone seeking new friends and motivation techniques

Hi my fitness pal community. I am new to this site and it was recommened to me by my fiance. Which is part of the reason I have begun my diet. Thanks to nursing school and a few months of unemployment 3 yrs ago I have gained more weight than I would care too. I want to feel and look healthier, but I haven't really been able to commit to any diet or exercise plan. Now that I will be getting married in May of 2013 and wedding dress shopping will begin early next year I have become serious about my weight loss mission. I hope I can stay motivated through this whole process. But, with the support of my fiance, family, friends and hopefully myftinesspal community I will. If anyone has any tips on how to stay motivated they will be greatly apperciated! =)


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    good luck, its easy once you get going :wink:

  • Dianaka
    Dianaka Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! Welcome! Nursing school weight gain just sounds too familiar-I am a nurse too, and between nursing school, having kids and stress at work --the weight just kept climbing up... well, i am serious this time around too, so hopefully everything will work out... I just sent you a friend request! Good Luck!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Welcome! I just read something that said brides-to-be are THE MOST motivated group of weight-losers. So maybe you could help motivate the rest of us! Staring at my stomach in the mirror usually motivates me. Also, if you have watched I Used to be Fat, and liked it, you could make a count-down calendar. Best of luck!
  • PattiPositive
    HI!!!!! Always looking for a Positive addition to my friend list!!
  • englangrover
    I just started too. Good luck with it. :wink:
  • skjowers1
    Good luck! I think that wedding dress shopping can motivate anyone! I love to share tips and support and I am always looking for some in return!
  • Rach_W71
    Rach_W71 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been on my fitness pal for 10 months now and have lost 72lbs so far, I was nearly 300lbs in weight and this has already made a huge difference to my health and wellbeing, all the very best with your weight loss
  • englangrover
    How's it going?