Does Any one have friends that hit the hide button to your c



  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i use the hide button on FB for people who annoy me and incessantly update every 30 seconds about nothing... and that say stupid things. i have a couple of friends who i really like in person, but on facbook, everything they say just annoys me.... so i won't delete them, because i like them, i just don't want to read their rubbish on FB...

    some people obviously have too much time on their hands.

    i wouldn't even notice if someone deleted me probably for 6 months.

    i didn't know there was a hide thingo on MFP
  • ahunkofmexican
    i use the hide button on FB for people who annoy me and incessantly update every 30 seconds about nothing... and that say stupid things. i have a couple of friends who i really like in person, but on facbook, everything they say just annoys me.... so i won't delete them, because i like them, i just don't want to read their rubbish on FB...

    some people obviously have too much time on their hands.

    i wouldn't even notice if someone deleted me probably for 6 months.

    i didn't know there was a hide thingo on MFP

    Ding, Ding, Ding, we have someone who's alert ! Thank you and good honest answer ! Now do you have a joke 2 share ?
  • SandraMay1982
    mouse over a post on your wall here on MFP. on the right (like the x on FB) it shows up when you hovvverrrrr. You can then click "hide"

    I actually only just noticed it before I saw this post. haaahaha.

    i don't hide people on facebook, I need a better reason than "posts too much" to delete a friend, but if they're gaming buddies, i have no qualms. ha.

    I have however had a girl delete me on fb (an internet friend that i have talked to for years). I noticed she had deleted me, I messaged her with a FReq. Asking her why she deleted me. She re-added me. and I **** you not. that same day she is like "I know why I deleted you, you post too much" - that day I had put up like 5 statuses to my usual one every day or 2. Because I was actually kind of lonely (single mum, wasn't living with my folks, just my 2 year old. despo for adult convo, you get the picture). So on my bad days I post a lot. so what. but delete me when i thought you were a friend because I actually use facebook to communicate? pfft. up you *L*

    my point of view. You can't hide a person in a conversation out in the real world. So why do it online? the internet is an extension of a person. besides, you can learn a lot about people from what they put on the internetz. My family certainly got some eye openers from me, my uncle still tells me "you have to watch what you say on facebook" haha. like **** I do, just because you don't know me from a bar of soap.

    ANY WAYS. NO TO HIDING! if you don't know the person other than online. just delete them if they are a "Friend" and not a FRIEND.

    rant done.
  • jllipson
    I honestly have hidden one person's comments - she obviously was on here more than not - I couldn't take seeing page upon page of her comments and having to search for others. I finally deleted her, just because it was overwhelming. Hers was literally posts every 5 - 10 minutes apart, like she was writing a book and hitting to post after a couple of minutes. I kept looking to see if it was just a phase, but after about 2 weeks I deleted her (also noted her friends list had gone down in number, so I wasn't the only 1).

    I don't have a problem with a person making several comments in a day, but when it appears it was 4-5 hours, every 5 - 10 minutes posting, that's overwhelming.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I wish I could hit certain updates from people. You know like It doesn't need to be posted on my wall every thread you respond too.