Anyone care for Dr.Oz's take on exercise research?



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm surprised Dr. Oz has such a following. Of course, he was conjured by The Oprah...
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I usually get up and eat an hour before I work out, but the other day I had to leave my house at an ungodly early hour, so I jumped out of bed and went down to my treadmill. I almost passed out about 15 minutes into my run and I had to get off the treadmill twice and sit down until the spots that were clouding my vision cleared! So for me...I will continue to eat before I work out! I dont like the idea of passing out on the treadmill!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Some people do it that way...great for them. Others don't...great for them. The point is, we should stop trying to micromanage everything and just get off the couch and exercise. Who gives a crap WHEN we do it, as long as we just DO IT?

    I personally hate the idea of fasted workouts because I lift heavy weights. Without food for fuel in my body, I lift less with less intensity, am prone to dizzyness and headaches, and I quit early. When I do fasted cardio, I feel nauseous. I've also heard that there is a risk of breaking down protein and muscle tissue doing fasted cardio instead of going directly to fat stores for fuel. I definitely don't want that!

    But once again, as long as you get your workout in with no ill effects, I don't think when during the day makes nearly enough difference as long as we are consistently doing it.