Night Time Munchies!

I'm noticing that I pack on the calories at night during my downtime/ relaxing/ tv time - any tips or suggestions on how to avoid consuming a ton of calories during this time? Thanks!


  • NicBushong
    NicBushong Posts: 9 Member
    This is my biggest problem too!!! I'll take any tips I can get for this..
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
  • lvllt
    lvllt Posts: 16 Member
    Hello - i find drinking water helps or burshing my teeth. I know one biscuit leads to another so i just try and keep busy and my mind off food
  • I have really struggled with this. I find that the days that I post all my calories here, which is a pain and I'm lazy about it, BUT when I do it, and I click: done entering, then I don't feel like nighttime eating. I also have examined the emotional aspect: "I'm done with my day and it's time to do something I enjoy." Feel free to friend me, I'm trying to collect a group of people with the same problems I have and we can all help each other.
  • I don't like to eat past 7pm. But if I really need something and water does not help, I will have popcorn low in calories and it usally cures my hunger. Then I will brush my teeth so I'm not tempted by anything else.
  • MandaLen13
    MandaLen13 Posts: 151 Member
    I freeze a big bottle of water and start drinking it around 7:00 or 8:00...because its frozen it takes me a while to drink it and it keeps me from needlessly snacking. By the time I finish it around 10:00 I'm ready for bed and I've avoided several hours of nighttime munchies.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Keep your hands busy, and I agree with brushing your teeth. After I brush, i don't have the urge to put anything else in my mouth.
  • I think there are two ways to look at this issue: 1) if you consume enough calories and nutrients during the day (very important that the calories are nutritious) you shouldn't be starving at night; or 2) if you know you like to munch at night, save some calories and plan some healthy munching--fresh veggies, air-popped popcorn, cheerios, nuts, etc.... I think either approach will work fine, but if it is feeling like you've lost control that's really bugging you then I'd try plan #1.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I rearranged my diary specifically to include the period between 9-12midnight. If I have a space to log the calories it keeps me more accountable about what I eat. Its also good too because when I eat something its deliberate and I'm not like sneaking a little something here or there - it all goes into my diary and I can EYEBALL it properly. I found that eating after 9pm is so taboo anymore for me its just a matter of what you eat.:smile:
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    I freeze a big bottle of water and start drinking it around 7:00 or 8:00...because its frozen it takes me a while to drink it and it keeps me from needlessly snacking. By the time I finish it around 10:00 I'm ready for bed and I've avoided several hours of nighttime munchies.

    yeah but that potty time interrupting sleep time will make me want a snack!!!!!!!!!
  • I like the frozen bottled water idea a lot! I'm going to try it!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    try jello - its low cal and if you get sugar free then you dont get a sugar rush either -

    or try doing something with your hands to keep them occupied. like i cut coupons or make my grocery list, fold clothes etc.. just something to keep your hands busy and your mind off snacking
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I hear this.

    I'm trying to go ahead and eat what I want but very small portions with lots of time in between. That gives my head time to realize that I am satisfied because I'm not really hungry, I just have an oral fixation. I have also had some success beating this with sugar-free candy and gum on occasion.
  • I have always been a night snacker. I used to work nights until I had my kids 4 years ago, so was used to eating at night. I eat air popped white popcorn.( jolly time) It's 100 calories for 5 cups. I munch on this while I watch tv or a movie. I was told that if you eat something with crunch and you have to chew it tricks your brain into thinking you have eaten more than you have. And if you eat one piece at a time it will take longer to eat too. Sometimes I will eat a few almonds instead, that works for me too.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Barbaramax
    Barbaramax Posts: 59 Member
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    oh, and I try to eat as late as possible (6:30 or 7) and really pack in as many veggies as I can along with the more calorie dense supper selections.

    OH! and hot drinks! coffee/tea, flavored if possible.

    heck, with all these suggestions why do I still do it? :laugh:
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    This happen to me for the 1st time in years last night. I woke up at 4 am and wanted to eat. I think i'll try the teeth brushing trick or mouth wash.
  • Try Having Carrots/Cucumber..etc..With Dips..
    If You Fancy Something Sweet..Try Apples...
    I Know Its Not The Same As Biscuits,Crisps..Whatever Your Habit Is..(Im A Sucker For Peanut Butter On Toast,With Jam!)
    But You Gotta Ask Yourself..Afterwards,Do You Really Feel It Was Worth It...I Often Have A Treat At Night Whilst Watching Television..Then After,I Think 'Why The Hell Did I Even Do That!'
    Try Eating Dinner A Little Later..And If You Feel The Need To Snack Later On..Maybe Try Having A Coffee Or Other Drink Instead..Or Go For A Walk And Take Your Mind Off It...
    Also,Brushing Your Teeth Helps,As Who Wants To Eat Anything After Doing That??
  • KarenK37
    KarenK37 Posts: 125 Member
    I too am a nite snacker, that was always associated with my down time/ relaxation time when my kids were small but now that they are older I find the habit has really stuck. i am new to the program but since the habit is there and I don't want to feel as though I am depriving myself I set what time I can eat until and also I decide early in the day exactly what snack i will have. Sometimes that changes and i decide i want one scoop of frozen yogurt instead of popcorn but this way I know it is there and I can have something w/o the guilt. I find the evening the hardest time for me to be on a diet b/c I have associated relaxing w/ snacking but it is one of those habits I am not ready to give up so just work around it instead. Good luck you can add me as a friend and we can keep each other from snacking too much at nite!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Crafting can be your friend! I make friendship bracelets while watching TV so it keeps my hands and mind occupied (because let's face it, how many TV porgrams keep your mind really occupied nowadays?). Knitting or crocheting are good ideas too!