Is wheat bad or not?



  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    How about T. Colin Campbell's own data? I was reading around through Denise Minger's archives and thought this monolith was particularly interesting. Correlation, not causation, etc. But interesting, no?
    Can you elaborate on who these people are and what they have to say? You drop names as if we are all supposed to know already. I would love to hear more.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    How about T. Colin Campbell's own data? I was reading around through Denise Minger's archives and thought this monolith was particularly interesting. Correlation, not causation, etc. But interesting, no?
    Can you elaborate on who these people are and what they have to say? You drop names as if we are all supposed to know already. I would love to hear more.

    I'm sorry, I just forgot to paste in the link:

    T. Colin Campbell wrote The China Study, a study that many cite as a reason to avoid animal protein. Denise Minger wrote up a very in-depth critique of said study. Many say she debunked it. I am not so sure because I am not clear on the all the statistics. (Some say it is great, some say it is hogwash, but it depends upon what "side" they are on.) Anyway, Miss Minger thinks that wheat, and not animal protein, was a far more interesting variable in the China Study data.