Not trying to be so negitive but..



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Just a slight bit condescending for such a young lad.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I had doctors recommending I had weight loss surgery when I still had binge eating problems.. I don't think they always think these things through. Now I'm doing it my way..fighting the binge eating.. 33 lbs down.. 200 more to go. I understand the surgery works for some people. I just don't think it's necessarily the best way of getting people to change their lifestyles. If you have a bad relationship with food, no amount of surgery alone is going to change that.
  • markeeley
    markeeley Posts: 20 Member
    Superior to others not a chance. Focused on a goal, YES!
  • markeeley
    markeeley Posts: 20 Member
    Very true. I can respect that.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    There is never an easy way out for anything.
    Gastric bypass may seem like the only choice left, but as you've witnessed yourself that's not always the case. Hearing a story like yours not only makes others proud but it influences others who are where you were when you first started. As someone said too changing hour habits on your own vs being forced to eat less or differently is healthier as well.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I think you are being too sensitive. Who cares what everyone else is doing? What you are doing is working for you, isn't it? Isn't that all that really counts?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Anyway, we're proud of stories like this, keep at it. I know it's hard but try not to pay attention to anyone else's weightloss, do it for you and influence others while you're at it. Great job so far :)
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    This will be my last post and sorry to anyone who is upset or has their feelings hurt from any previous post.

    I didn't go through with the surgery because I realized if I didn't change my ways before surgery, why would I change them after.
    So I changed my ways. I busted my butt and pushed hard. I still have to do that everyday because I have many many many pounds to lose. The previous guy posted, "Respect is earned." I am going to do all I can to earn it!

    Don't waste your time responding, because I am not going to waste my time reading your excuses.

    If you don't have your mind right nothing is going to change.

    Ignorant AND egotistical... With a winning combo like that I am sure you will go far! Good luck with your journey! YOU WILL NEED IT!

    You think you have it all together... But if you did... You would see that your original post in and of itself is arrogant, rude, disrespectful and... IGNORANT! Anyone that thinks they got this thing figured out and still has to put down the ways of others is just plain fooling themselves!
  • Waynes_World
    Once again we have someone thinking they are better then someone else because they lost weight "the right way",,, Who really gives a rats *kitten* how you lose the weight? As long as someone is trying to become healthy they should be supported and not looked down at because they took the "easy way out"

    I lost 110 pounds without having surgery but I failed and gained it all back... No matter what you do you have to be ready to make lifestyle changes to be successful with your journey..

    10 months ago I had the lap band surgery and it is one of the best things that I have done.. It is not the easy way out by no means. And without proper diet and exercise it wont lose the weight for you.. It is a tool..

    Personally I dont give 2 ****s if you think I cheated or took the easy way out.. But to think you are better then others for losing weight a certain way is a crock of B.S

    We are all together on this site with one common goal to lose weight. We should help support each other through this journey.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Love you Wayne oxoxox
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Well put Wayne!!! You rock!
  • BrandNewMia
    What Wayne said! :drinker:
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Another vote here for Wayne!

    Losing weight is all in one's mind, in my opinion. Any weight lost no matter how you lost it CAN BE GAINED BACK.

    None of it is easy, it's ALL HARD.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I would never consider WLS of any kind but I disagree with it being easy...yes, the weight may fall off easier at first but imagine NEVER being able to have a day off....ever. Being stuck on x amount of calories for life...not easy in my book.

    I do think a few people go into it thinking that its the easy way but I think they are in the minority, the majority that go down this route do so because they really don't feel they can do it...believing in yourself is so important when trying to lose weight, in fact i'd say its over half the battle.

    Good on you for doing it this way, maybe you're just a bit more confident or stronger in some ways than those who choose WLS...but that doesnt make you better or them worse. Just be glad that you are achieving success and well done on the success you have had so far.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    As one person who did not "take the easy way out" as you say I did lose 100lbs a long time ago and guess what I gained it all back. It works both ways my friend and I think you should really be sensative to others regardless how they get there. One thing I will caution you on is you are exactly how I started to get when I lost my100 I got cocky and confident and it quickly became my downfall. I completely commend you on your hard work for weight loss but please know that the work is put in on both sides. I will agree that there are a couple of my personal friends that did use this as what they thought would be a quick fix to their weight loss and sadly one passed away from complications and the other one is back to where she started. She quickly realized that either way it is a change in your entire lifestyle not just a surgery and everything mentally falls into place. To be very honest I think weight loss surgery requires alot more work if you think about it. Not only do they have to eat multiple very small meals throughout the day, take multiple vitamins, count everything they eat, and on top of that make sure they work out like mad men and women to make sure their faster weight loss keeps up with their exterior bodies so they do not require additional surgeries! Whew sounds alot harder then me just working out and logging my food. I wish everyone the best of luck in their journey but please be careful to not discourage others that are working just as hard as you are to get to a healthier version of themselves. :smile:
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Once again we have someone thinking they are better then someone else because they lost weight "the right way",,, Who really gives a rats *kitten* how you lose the weight? As long as someone is trying to become healthy they should be supported and not looked down at because they took the "easy way out"

    I lost 110 pounds without having surgery but I failed and gained it all back... No matter what you do you have to be ready to make lifestyle changes to be successful with your journey..

    10 months ago I had the lap band surgery and it is one of the best things that I have done.. It is not the easy way out by no means. And without proper diet and exercise it wont lose the weight for you.. It is a tool..

    Personally I dont give 2 ****s if you think I cheated or took the easy way out.. But to think you are better then others for losing weight a certain way is a crock of B.S

    We are all together on this site with one common goal to lose weight. We should help support each other through this journey.

    Ditto... I think I wrote this above but it wasn't nearly as nice as yours :) LOL

    I lost 80-100 several times without surgery and gained it all back and more. Surgery saved my life--- 3 years post op, still at my goal and I stay on MFP to maintain and maybe lose the last 10-15. It's HARD work and if you think major surgery is the easy way out, you should educate yourself a little more. (and check the cost of vitamins we have to take for life! LOL) Even Dr. Oz i s onboard ---- it reversed my diabetes, got me off all my meds (including insulin), lowered my cholesterol and healed my heart... it is a great tool (especially if you have co-morbities that prohibit weightloss like diabetes and pcos --- try losing it with BOTH and being over 40).. yeah..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Once again we have someone thinking they are better then someone else because they lost weight "the right way",,, Who really gives a rats *kitten* how you lose the weight? As long as someone is trying to become healthy they should be supported and not looked down at because they took the "easy way out"

    I lost 110 pounds without having surgery but I failed and gained it all back... No matter what you do you have to be ready to make lifestyle changes to be successful with your journey..

    10 months ago I had the lap band surgery and it is one of the best things that I have done.. It is not the easy way out by no means. And without proper diet and exercise it wont lose the weight for you.. It is a tool..

    Personally I dont give 2 ****s if you think I cheated or took the easy way out.. But to think you are better then others for losing weight a certain way is a crock of B.S

    We are all together on this site with one common goal to lose weight. We should help support each other through this journey.

    Ditto... I think I wrote this above but it wasn't nearly as nice as yours :) LOL

    I lost 80-100 several times without surgery and gained it all back and more. Surgery saved my life--- 3 years post op, still at my goal and I stay on MFP to maintain and maybe lose the last 10-15. It's HARD work and if you think major surgery is the easy way out, you should educate yourself a little more. (and check the cost of vitamins we have to take for life! LOL) Even Dr. Oz i s onboard ---- it reversed my diabetes, got me off all my meds (including insulin), lowered my cholesterol and healed my heart... it is a great tool (especially if you have co-morbities that prohibit weightloss like diabetes and pcos --- try losing it with BOTH and being over 40).. yeah..

    I weighed 335# and I was over 40... have PCOS, DM 2, had HTN, high chol, high triglycerides, bad knees... I did it without surgery. However, I would never say surgery doesn't help some people. We are individuals and so is our journey to better health...
  • markeeley
    markeeley Posts: 20 Member
    Why would I listen to a dude who takes pictures of himself. What you dont have any friends who can afford a camera to take pictures? I am off this site because it is full of *****s who cant do it on their own. Thanks for all the personal messages from all the people who supported me.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Why would I listen to a dude who takes pictures of himself. What you dont have any friends who can afford a camera to take pictures? I am off this site because it is full of *****s who cant do it on their own. Thanks for all the personal messages from all the people who supported me.

    wow... way to give up...! the worst part is... you are the one missing out. shame...

    It must be said, however... that I am not at all surprised. If you needed a reason to quit, you could've just said so.
  • chantihayes
    wow... for all the "people who supported", i can only imagine how many sent messeges of disagreement. I love what Wayne said, fantastic.