Supplements for Long Runs

Ok, I know this has been posted a couple of times, but my question has a bit of a twist to it.

I'm in the middle of training for my first half marathon. I had a 7 mile run this weekend, and hit my wall around mile 4. I now know I need to start supplementing, but here is my issue. I can't stand the texture of Gu, gels, Shot Blox, sport beans. If it is gel or gummy, it makes me barf. It isn't the flavor - in fact, I LOVE the black cherry shot blox. I can get about half way through one before I start gagging - then the party is over. This CAN'T happen during my race - that would be an epic fail.

Does anyone know of, or use, sport supplements that are more like a piece of hard candy? I've also read online to actually just use hard candy - to place it between your cheek and gum and just have a slow influx of sugar as it dissolves....

What about Honey Stingers? I've wondered about these, as I do like Honey, and a friend recommended CHOMPS.


    Try Combos, they work great for me.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    try a power bar or I saw some power bars that were in little crunchy balls that you can pop in your mouth as you run. Chomps are like the fruit snacks with a juice center.

    Also you can try regular gummy bears :wink:
  • lisapickering
    I'm not an expert.... but I've been running for a long time and have done halfs and fulls. I think you can use anything with sugar - gummy bears, raisins just find something that you like and is easy to carry and eat.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Bump...needing this info too and the get shots I tried didn't sit well with me while running either.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    They make this wonderful stuff called Gatorade that has a great mix of electrolytes and carbs... :wink:

    Honestly, if you look at what's in Gatorade vs what's in any Gu's/gels/blox it's all about the same. I usually use a mix... I did 10 miles this past weekend and did 3 shot blox (half a package) with about 16oz of Gatorade and was fine.

    That being said... 4 miles seems pretty early to be hitting any kind of a wall... are you keeping an adequate carbohydrate intake during the week? You should be eating at least 50% of your calories from high quality carbs (fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc).

    My first one is on Sunday, best of luck on yours!!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I find that I typically do not need anything until at least an hour into running and even then only take it "just in case." I use Nuun rather than Gatorade or other sugary drinks. Nuun is awesome for hydration and replacing electrolytes.
    I have texture issues too so I cannot do Gu Chomps. I like the Honey Stingers best. I actually think they give me more pep than the Sports Beans, but they are gummy/chewy too.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm totally with you on the texture of those things, I gag and the flavor isn't so great. For me the shot blocks were the least offensive. Then I found Stingers! They're just honey with some B vitamins and they taste, get this, like honey! Which happens to be one of my favorite things ever. Anyway, that's what I use. I do agree, 4 miles is a little early to hit a wall. You should be hydrating the night before your run and eating before too. A low fiber fruit and some protein is a good choice. Good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Something else must have come into play. You shouldn't hit a wall at 4 miles. Even to go 7, you really shouldn't need any supplimental nutrition during the run.
    How was your hydration? Did you eat enough the day before?
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I'm new to all of this - so I don't know what I don't know? :)

    Gatorade - this 'could' work, but I was trying to find something that was a bit more portable, like a hard candy.

    Carbs - I haven't really changed my diet much since I started upping my mileage. Maybe that's part of the problem?

    Hitting the wall at mile 4 - until about 4 weeks ago, I had never run farther than 4 miles in a row. ;) So my body is still thinking that should be the end of the torture. :tongue: I'm sure will improve as time goes on (My race isn't until November), but I also want to find a solution now, instead of right before the race, as I know this is an issue for me (I have done a lot of long distance hiking, and have been strugging with that for a long time.)

    Oh, and I'm still pretty slow when it comes to pacing - I'm averaging between 12-14 minute miles right now, so my 4 miles is your 7 or 8. I was just under an hour in at that point.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm a sport bean fan myself, so that doesn't help. I do have to agree with everybody on the 'hit the wall at 4 mile' thing. If you are on a good nutrition plane and well-hydrated, you shouldn't need any supplements on any run less than 6-7 miles. Maybe you are on too low carb intake, or just overall too low calories. So, look at the big picture. I usually prefer running early in the morning on an empty stomach, but if you need something, try some Gatorade.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not sure what the answer is, but as I understand it, truly "hitting the wall" is about running out of glycogen stores. Most people have enough for ~ 3 hours for activity. That's why you hear about marathoners hitting the wall somewhere around mile 20.

    In a half marathon, you generally aren't out there long enough to deplete you glycogen stores and hit the wall.

    As far as your issues, not sure if they are nutrition based or not. Try some different things (gels, blocks, beans, sports drink) and see if that helps.

    Good luck!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Definitely carb up for your long runs, and hydrate - drink lots of water. what you can do is try hard candy or gum.
    I do gum when I run.. just sticking it in the corner..etc.

    When I did my first half marathon - I definitely recommend grabbing water and gatorade at the drink stations. It's good to drink and fuel your body early in the game. It will help through out your run. :):)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I'm new to all of this - so I don't know what I don't know? :)

    Gatorade - this 'could' work, but I was trying to find something that was a bit more portable, like a hard candy.

    Carbs - I haven't really changed my diet much since I started upping my mileage. Maybe that's part of the problem?

    Hitting the wall at mile 4 - until about 4 weeks ago, I had never run farther than 4 miles in a row. ;) So my body is still thinking that should be the end of the torture. :tongue: I'm sure will improve as time goes on (My race isn't until November), but I also want to find a solution now, instead of right before the race, as I know this is an issue for me (I have done a lot of long distance hiking, and have been strugging with that for a long time.)

    Oh, and I'm still pretty slow when it comes to pacing - I'm averaging between 12-14 minute miles right now, so my 4 miles is your 7 or 8. I was just under an hour in at that point.

    I think that you need to work on your food overall. When you start running and the up-ing the distance, you need more fuel overall. Not just carbs but protien as well. Make sure that you are eating the proper amout (number of calories) that you need. Hydrate well the day before and if you are an evening runner throughout the day.

    Keep going and that "wall" will be lifted :wink: I started my running at a slow pace (15minute) and I just did a quarter marathon at a 12:37 average!!! My motto is "slow and steady finishes the race"
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I hit a wall at seven too the other week.

    This weekend I took Gatorade Prime 02 for hydration and Honey Stinger Vanilla Waffle with me for my eight mile run and felt great.

    I am going to buy more of the Honey Stinger Waffles. It tasted great and was easy to digest while running.
  • millionsofpeaches
    I can't do the gu's or shot bocks either...

    Sport Beans by Jelly Belly... Just like jelly beans. I swear by them...

    Other than that I like to use Nuun which is an electrolyte replacement that you add to your water... It is sugar free which is awesome and comes in great flavors. If you google it will pop up... I buy them at my local REI but I am sure they sell them at a variety of different places.

    Happy Running!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    hope things work out for you, try another day with the 7 mile run. even if it's a day when you are supposed to run 4 miles instead. see how you feel that day and go for it. :) I'm sure you can do it.

    Can I ask if you jumped from 4 to 7 or did you go up slowly? I remember I went up from 4 to 5 then just did 7 one day when i was feeling that i could keep running. but it took time. and there is nothing wrong with hitting a wall, i've hit plenty of walls somedays at 4 miles. Like I said... you have good days and bad days.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think there are lots of things you can experiment with to keep you going on the longer runs:
    - more water before you run (the night before as well as on the day)
    - make sure you have something to eat before you run (English muffins, peanut butter and banana works for me!)
    - are you taking water with you? I didn't worry until I started running over an hour, and it has made a difference.
    - try regular jelly beans, I get the glucose ones from the chemist.
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    Have you tried Carbo Pro? When I trained for my ironman tris, it worked great for me. It is colorless and flavorless and you just add it to your drink. You have to drink anyway right??
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    Also, for long runs greater than six, eat your pasta two nights before. Don't be afraid to load up on lots of noodles and bread!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I like carrying grapes with me during runs. Feels like taking a drink, without spilling it down my neck.