The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 3 - Little Diamond's



  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    2 new snack/dessert options I have had lately....
    1 - slice banana in bowl - add 1 tsp low fat becel margarine and 1 tsp splenda brown sugar - microwave for 1 minute - so delish! I want to try this with thin sliced apples instead of bananas!
    2 - 1 vita top chocolate muffin top - toasted, topped with frozen yogurt - oh my gosh - this is heaven!

    Yum Elle!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I would say my quick snack is some fruit and string cheese. I don't always have it around but I really like it.

    I also love banana and peanut butter. I really need to go grocery shopping and get these things in my house.

    I am starting the QOTD for Wednesday:

    What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    Sorry it is a multi-part question.

    I guess for me my fitness goal would really be to tone up. I have always been an athlete, but never looked the most athletic. I really like when women are strong and diesel. I think that would be my goal to be diesel with muscle. The scale doesn't really matter as long as I like the muscles. The most challenging part for me would be the food I am consuming, that is really preventing my abs from getting cut. I also am not consuming enough protein. I guess protein powder would be a solution, but I just haven't used it in forever.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • shortee75
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite fast and easy healthy snack. I'm a real snacker and am always on the lookout for new, easy and yummy things to snack on!!

    My response: I recently tried the Nature Valley Granola Thins w/Dark Chocolate and the Skinny Cow snack bars & clusters - love all of these and they are quick go to snacks :wink:

    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    My response: I would like to tone up and eventually run a 5K or more. the most challenging for me is finding what is going to work for me to lose the few lbs I want to lose and then figuring out what exercise to do for toning. Still working on the solutions part :blushing:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    My goal is to get off all my prescription medications!! I am almost there. I try to use natural means to cure healthy problems and stay away from prescription medications. The hardest challenge was finding a doctor that feels the same way I do and was willing to help me lose weight and get off prescription medications.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite fast and easy healthy snack. I'm a real snacker and am always on the lookout for new, easy and yummy things to snack on!!

    My response: Skinny cow cheese (Garlic Herb or Sundried Tomato) on crackers - not too fussy about the kind but just tried Flatbread Crisps in italian seasoned and loved those last night,

    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    My response: I want to be able to build to doing a sub 2 hour half marathon and eventually do a full one. Most challenging - maintaining consistency and figuring out what are normal aches and pains and when I need to physically back off to avoid injury. Solutions - I write my workouts on my calendar where the family can see the plan, have alternate cardio options as a backup for days I am hurting and meet weekly with a trainer
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member

    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?
    I just want to feel good about myself. As long as I keep losing I feel good so I guess I'm doing okay on my journey:wink:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    Thought I responded at work but apparently I did not.

    I want to be lean - below 20% bodyfat -- also I want to be able to do a pullup.

    Solutions? You have to work out and there needs to be strength training - the dieting is important for loss but if you don't work out you will WEIGH less but still be big. Assuming you want to be a certain SIZE and not a certain number of pounds weight training will get you there faster and you'll look better in your clothes. My size 12 jeans are starting to sag off of me and my size 12 work pants are roomy, but I'm 5'6" and weigh 180. When I was 145 I was a tight 8 or a loose 10 - I am going to be a loose 10 at way higher this time and its going to look better on me.
  • ShiningDiamonds
    Good morning Little Diamonds,

    Please follow the link below to view this week's Town Hall:
  • ShiningDiamonds
    I just wanted to let you all know that Jamaica is fine, she was part of the evacuation so she has been a little tied up.

    QOTD for today and tomorrow:

    Today: Lora
    Tomorrow: Pam

    For next week:

    Monday: TOWN HALL
    Tuesday: Elle
    Wednesday: Ruby
    Thursday: Lisa
    Friday: Barbara
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I want to be skinnier than my husband's girlfriend! JK I've never seen her. I just want to be where I was before I got pregnant with my first child. I am about 10#'s away. I found out what was obvious. If I don't eat tons of garbage and I exercise, I lose weight. All those years at college and I couldn't have discovered this sooner? When I decided I was unhappy I would not be deterred. There was no meal, snack or drink that was worth consuming. I have been trying very hard to reach goal before the weather gets cold because I can't really even afford clothes, let alone transition clothes. The great news is I can now wear my daughters' clothes!
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    I just wanted to let you all know that Jamaica is fine, she was part of the evacuation so she has been a little tied up.

    thanks :)... hope things go back to normal for her soon enough.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    i want to know that exercise is part of my everyday life. i don't want to do it just to lose weight, i want to love it. and want to be able to run a few miles without being completely out of breathe. i think the most challenging part of reaching that goal is myself, my mind, how i make up excuse after excuse of why i didn't exercise or why i'm not going to (TOM, no clean gym clothes, exhaustion, sickness, birthdays, etc). some of the solutions i have found on this journey is that everything is up to ME. no one else but me. if i want to exercise no one but myself can change my mind, it all falls on me on how i want to prioritize things. if i want to make exercise part of my daily life, i have to make the effort and i'm the one that has to make it happen :). and i will make it happen...
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    My goal is to tone up! For me it is sometimes very hard to exercise in the evening after a long day of work! I don't have a solution for this problem, as I can't workout in the morning, because I leave for work between 6:00 and 6:30. And I am definitely not willing to get up even earlier!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    sorry to be a little slow getting this started today - it's been a crazy morning already!

    QOTD Friday: Often times, those of us with weight issues have a history of using food as a reward/celebration for a special occasion or accomplishment. What have you started (or want to start) using as a reward since starting on your weight loss journey?

    I've found myself turning to clothes (as I need them) and other treats like a massage when hitting some of my goals. Our city has a lot of the 1/2 price deal websites so I purchase them and other treats as I get close to a milestone. This weekend my husband and I are going zip lining... I've also been tucking back cash for clothing purchases for when I hit my goal at different spots along the way too.
  • balowry1
    I haven't met any goals yet. I feel great after I workout. That's my reward. And then when I can stay under my calories. Another reward is seeing the number go down on the scale.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Instead of food for my last goal, I got a tattoo. I have been rewarding myself with new clothes in smaller sizes too. I am going to get another tattoo when I reach my goal weight and a horse.
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: What is your fitness goal aside from losing some lbs and what do you find most challenging about reaching that goal? What are some solutions you have found on this journey?

    I've always wanted to be a really outdoorsy fit person, but I've never had the body or stamina for it. I want to be able to hike up mountains easily, go backpacking and keep up with the group without killing myself, and go mountain biking without dying after the first big hill. I also know that losing weight will help me be a better rock climber.

    The hardest part is finding the time to get outdoors and start working on these goals. This summer I've spent almost every weekend indoors working on my thesis (I'm a grad student), and soon summer will be over and I won't be able to do any of these activities again until next spring/summer. The only solution would be to finish my thesis, and believe me, I'm trying!

    QOTD Friday: Often times, those of us with weight issues have a history of using food as a reward/celebration for a special occasion or accomplishment. What have you started (or want to start) using as a reward since starting on your weight loss journey?

    I have a few things for my big goals, like a massage or new clothes. But I don't really have any smallish rewards, and maybe that's one of my big motivation problems. I can work really hard and eat really well, but I never see much budge on the scale, so it's hard to stay motivated.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    My reward = NEW CLOTHES!!! Love, Love, Love getting new clothes!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Friday: Often times, those of us with weight issues have a history of using food as a reward/celebration for a special occasion or accomplishment. What have you started (or want to start) using as a reward since starting on your weight loss journey?

    I have been intending to set aside money for new clothes but we are in the middle of homebuying and flat broke because of it.

    I didn't set any mini goals for myself before but I have been thinking I should - but most of the goals I have right now like doing a pullup or 10 perfect pushups in a row would be their own reward for me.

    I don't really struggle with sticking to it every day though, and i'm not losing any weight right now (sigh), so I'm not sure what mini goals I'd even have